Forty isn’t bad. At twenty, you get embarrassed about your body part failures. At forty you just whap that leg back on with a little duct tape and go out anyway, because “Dang it, I’m old! I can do what I want!”
As a rapidly aging man of my mid-50s…I can tell you all that the downhill slope gets steadily steeper and you gain momentum heading downward. To give you an idea of what it’s like:
Us quinquagenarians laugh at you 40-somethings… and point out our superior bionic parts! We even have spare parts for every occasion. There’s my golf leg, my walking on the beach leg, swimming leg, dancing leg, whoopie leg… Oops, how’d that get in there?
Oh, fiddlesticks! It doesn’t have to be that way! I ran my first half marathon the summer after I turned 40, and at 43, I’m in about the best shape of my life!
The average life expectancy for a caveman was 40 if they survived childhood. I think the decline is linked to this. In other words, shut up and be glad that at least you’re still alive at the age of 40!
I turned 41 yesterday … hit close to home that one!
At 40, your evolutionary warranty expires.
Forty isn’t bad. At twenty, you get embarrassed about your body part failures. At forty you just whap that leg back on with a little duct tape and go out anyway, because “Dang it, I’m old! I can do what I want!”
Wow, is that what’s waiting for me next year? I NEED my limbs!
I think my date of manufacture was misprinted.
As a 40 year old, I quite agree.
As a rapidly aging man of my mid-50s…I can tell you all that the downhill slope gets steadily steeper and you gain momentum heading downward. To give you an idea of what it’s like:
That hurts just looking at it.
Eh…40’s not so bad. Especially if you don’t have kids. Those are what age you fast.
My wife says “all men are 16 years old”. As long as you can keep them thinking that – you are OK.
With some of them it’s four.
Us quinquagenarians laugh at you 40-somethings… and point out our superior bionic parts! We even have spare parts for every occasion. There’s my golf leg, my walking on the beach leg, swimming leg, dancing leg, whoopie leg… Oops, how’d that get in there?
What about your drinkin’ leg?
Oh, you mean the hollow one!
I, in fact, turned forty today. FFS. Ouch.
Oh, fiddlesticks!
It doesn’t have to be that way! I ran my first half marathon the summer after I turned 40, and at 43, I’m in about the best shape of my life! 
Forty? I WISH I were forty. When you get to 55, it’s “all systems go,” and not in a good way.
I know, but I can’t speak on behalf of 50 year olds. Not yet.
But you have to admit that 40 is when then downward slide begins.
Ah, you young whippersnappers make me sick! I’d pay big money to be 40 again!
Once upon a time, living past 30 was all ‘whoah’.
40 is the new 12, demand your allowance and put a embarrassing mental scar on your mother at the supermarket with pubescent questions.
I too am 40. I’m ok with it as long as I can still attract women.
The average life expectancy for a caveman was 40 if they survived childhood. I think the decline is linked to this. In other words, shut up and be glad that at least you’re still alive at the age of 40!