honestly, it can only ever BE fun. no matter where life places you. you can be “that cranky old guy down the street”
as that can describe a guy living in a alley or a guy in a mansion!
Great… face to face with mortality… and I haven’t even had my coffee yet. …and now I have the G,B,& U theme song in my head! Doo-ee-doo-ee-ooooo…. wah… wah… waaaaah…..
Holy *crap* do I love that Undertaker Bug! His design, his pose, his expression! I can practically hear the subtle-yet-entirely-obvious sarcasm in his low, quiet, nasally voice.
I had a college roommate who said she and her sister couldn’t wait to get old so they could get away with everything. “Oh, don’t mind her, she’s just old….” On the other hand, what happens when you hit 50? “All systems go.”
In his autobiography, Jimmy Buffet remarks that for most of us, when we hit 50, we’ve gone past the halfway mark. He also wishes they had put up a sign letting him know when he had passed his halfway mark. (Somehow I think there’s a strip in that idea.)
We also can’t help but think of those we knew who did not make it that far.
I have to voice a problem I have with this comic: Coconut-pecan frosting would be the best thing ever! Both of those are amazing, and already love putting both of them in baked goods, why would you not want that as a frosting!?
(In all seriousness, this was really funny, good job Adam)
Honestly, I’m surprised it’s taken so long for someone to say that. Figured there would be a large amount of people who loved coconut-pecan frosting, and would call me nuts for finding it gross.
i mean seriously that’s like lemon flavoured radium or chocolate chip cookie flavoured plutonium. the whole point of a barium swallow isn’t to taste good, it’s to choke down radioactive chemicals so your doctor can laugh at your glowing intestinal tract. Oh, and also to diagnose health issues.
I for one sir am highly disappointed that you do not like coconut pecan frosting as it is absolutely fabulous. Not to mention my favorite. I would have to lower my opinion of you and your fine comic if not for that amazing undertaker bug. We shall just have to call it a draw for this comic and leave your rating at awesome!
PS. Did anyone else read the undertaker bugs voice as that old guy from The Quick and the Dead (with Sharron Stone and Leonardo DiCaprio not the one from the 50s)?
Bug is the only one who I can totally relate to in this whole world!! Thanks Adam
Ha-ha! Awesome!
Nice! I hit the big 40 last week, so very appropriate.
Physically it’s all downhill, but at least I can start working on being a cranky old man!
honestly, it can only ever BE fun. no matter where life places you. you can be “that cranky old guy down the street”
as that can describe a guy living in a alley or a guy in a mansion!
I hit the big 40 in October…of 1999.
And yes, I’ve been a cranky old goat yelling at kids to get off my lawn ever since! Dagnab whipper snappers!
Great… face to face with mortality… and I haven’t even had my coffee yet. …and now I have the G,B,& U theme song in my head! Doo-ee-doo-ee-ooooo…. wah… wah… waaaaah…..
Exactly! Way to nail it, Adam.
Holy *crap* do I love that Undertaker Bug! His design, his pose, his expression! I can practically hear the subtle-yet-entirely-obvious sarcasm in his low, quiet, nasally voice.
Yeah, he turned out better than I thought he would. Will have to use him again.
Another great one, Adam.
I had a college roommate who said she and her sister couldn’t wait to get old so they could get away with everything. “Oh, don’t mind her, she’s just old….” On the other hand, what happens when you hit 50? “All systems go.”
In his autobiography, Jimmy Buffet remarks that for most of us, when we hit 50, we’ve gone past the halfway mark. He also wishes they had put up a sign letting him know when he had passed his halfway mark. (Somehow I think there’s a strip in that idea.)
We also can’t help but think of those we knew who did not make it that far.
I’m turning 36 in a few days. I can feel 40 lurking, waiting….
I have to voice a problem I have with this comic: Coconut-pecan frosting would be the best thing ever! Both of those are amazing, and already love putting both of them in baked goods, why would you not want that as a frosting!?
(In all seriousness, this was really funny, good job Adam)
Honestly, I’m surprised it’s taken so long for someone to say that. Figured there would be a large amount of people who loved coconut-pecan frosting, and would call me nuts for finding it gross.
I know a lot of people don’t like it, but can’t have a German Chocolate cake (my fave) without it.
To be fair since I came from coconut rich country, everything mixed with coconut tend to be amazing.
I was turned off of anything coconut after my first MRI/CAT scan.
Coconut flavored Barium solution?! Blegh!
I’m getting sickly just thinking about it and it’s been 3 years since my last one.
why would you have coconut flavoured barium
i mean seriously that’s like lemon flavoured radium or chocolate chip cookie flavoured plutonium. the whole point of a barium swallow isn’t to taste good, it’s to choke down radioactive chemicals so your doctor can laugh at your glowing intestinal tract. Oh, and also to diagnose health issues.
On the plus side; at least I can fly, now.
I for one sir am highly disappointed that you do not like coconut pecan frosting as it is absolutely fabulous. Not to mention my favorite. I would have to lower my opinion of you and your fine comic if not for that amazing undertaker bug. We shall just have to call it a draw for this comic and leave your rating at awesome!
PS. Did anyone else read the undertaker bugs voice as that old guy from The Quick and the Dead (with Sharron Stone and Leonardo DiCaprio not the one from the 50s)?
The undertaker I had in my mind was the one from Back to the Future III.
That’s (of course) the one I pictured!!!
Heh, seems mighty appropriate for me, Tomorrow, 3/18, is my 43rd b-day.
Love it, I happen to hit the 40 mark in a few short months and if it is down hill from here I’m not sure if I’m happy or sad.
Also is it just me or with the stance and the hat on the ground does it look like nerd bug dropped his pants?
I bet chrono grenades would do something really nasty, like freeze half your body in time or some shit.
From where I sit, one word: Soylent Green Lite… and NOW Soylent Green with less of your neighbors and more unknown persons!