I probably didn’t word this as well as some of you could have, but it wasn’t here yet, and it HAD to be included. This is the one that drives me away from a discussion, when more than 1 person goes on about how off-topic a post is. I want to post a complaint about them, but that would make me just like them.
It’s AMAZING! I’ve made COOKIES! From home. I Couldn’t Believe it when I saw my first cookie check — you can make cookies in just THREE houRs A DAY.I made 38 Cookies In my FIRST day from home!!
Using this 1 Weird Trick That Big Cookie Doesn’t Want You To Know!
Normally, I really would like to help, but come on – he called this upon himself. His breathing technique is all wrong. Also, he needs to use these new and improved cough drops I’ve read about.
I don’t know who shannon is, but bugs don’t breathe through feeble mouths like we primates. Bugs have these like, sporacle thingies all over their bodies that kind of just absorb oxygen. I’m sure I’m oversimplifying to a horrific degree, because I only really know anything about this because I remember my brother making an offhand comment about it.
YES! OMG, a thousand times, yes! You’re also forgetting the guy(s) who tell you, “I’m choking too, please help,” and the others who say, “why in the hell would you want to choke?”
‘You know you shouldn’t be breathing all that polluted air anyway. I’m going to stop doing that pretty soon and you’re already way ahead of the curve.’
People… quit posting about an issue that’s 12 hours old… the guy has either choked by now or found another solution. The moderator needs to archive this issue.
Discussion (39) ¬
…is also a not-very-helpful post
I think it would be best if Bug went to see his physician, so he can get the proper treatment.
“Un-take one of these lodged food particles and call me in the morning – if you can…”
“Why do you need to breathe at all in the first place? And by the way, this is not the right place for this, you should have choked in a hospital”
Ha-ha! Yes!
To be honest though even if nerd bug was a fully trained paramedic he’d still probably let you croak.
So who watched the Grammys last night?!
I read this and thought “Ugh! Why is this guy talking about something completely unrelated to my—” and then I got the joke. Ha-ha! Well done!
This is SO off-topic. Why don’t you go away. We don’t want you here. TROLL!
I probably didn’t word this as well as some of you could have, but it wasn’t here yet, and it HAD to be included. This is the one that drives me away from a discussion, when more than 1 person goes on about how off-topic a post is. I want to post a complaint about them, but that would make me just like them.
Like my page about something completely unrelated, like kitten fails or something!
It’s AMAZING! I’ve made COOKIES! From home. I Couldn’t Believe it when I saw my first cookie check — you can make cookies in just THREE houRs A DAY.I made 38 Cookies In my FIRST day from home!!
Using this 1 Weird Trick That Big Cookie Doesn’t Want You To Know!
Normally, I really would like to help, but come on – he called this upon himself. His breathing technique is all wrong. Also, he needs to use these new and improved cough drops I’ve read about.
Don’t be silly. Those things are foisted on us by “big pharma”. What he needs is to chew on some willow bark. That will get him set right.
I thought bugs didn’t breathe as we think of breathing. Shannon? Please explain.
I don’t know who shannon is, but bugs don’t breathe through feeble mouths like we primates. Bugs have these like, sporacle thingies all over their bodies that kind of just absorb oxygen. I’m sure I’m oversimplifying to a horrific degree, because I only really know anything about this because I remember my brother making an offhand comment about it.
YES! OMG, a thousand times, yes! You’re also forgetting the guy(s) who tell you, “I’m choking too, please help,” and the others who say, “why in the hell would you want to choke?”
Yeah. There’s always the other person who has the same problem with the “me too,” post.
Nevermind, fixed it. Not gonna bother explaining how.
Oh yes… THIS! I so loathe the forum visitors who do this. Nicely done!
I read that the Steinbeck maneuver only works on mice and men anyways, so…there’s that. Does that help?
Really? I think it also works on red ponies.
Adam, nice work on the title too!
‘You know you shouldn’t be breathing all that polluted air anyway. I’m going to stop doing that pretty soon and you’re already way ahead of the curve.’
You know who else choked? Hitler.
Nicely done.
Ha! I remember you talked about this in the podcast
Yup! the WiiU spaz
People… quit posting about an issue that’s 12 hours old… the guy has either choked by now or found another solution. The moderator needs to archive this issue.

*Thread Closed*
“See, that’s why you don’t use lungs. I always tell people they have to many problems. You should switch to gills, they are much better!”
Almost forgot: IBTL!
This, plus the comments is basically what happens every time I ask a question on an mmorpg.
I stopped playing mmorpgs.
“Get out, n00b! I’ve been playing this game that came out last week for 10 years!!”
If you can’t bother to _cite_, don’t bother posting.
I don’t have time to go into everything that’s wrong with this thread…
Bugs breathing explained: http://insects.about.com/od/morphology/f/breathing.htm