Like you, I thought [x]boarding looked easy and discovered that it wasn’t by crashing. In my case, it was snowboarding. The good news is that I was able to save my holiday by trading out the rented board for a pair of skis. The bad news is that I don’t think that paddleboarding will afford you the same luxury.
Adam, do us a favour and post a strip in the aftermath lettimg us know how easy it was (or wasn’t, if the case may be) and how much you enjoyed it (even if the enjoyment is a zero value)
To be fair, if the lake is connected to the ocean via a river, there’s a chance it’s got bull sharks in it. So the metaphor may not be completely lost. You don’t even need to be close to the ocean: a few years ago, they caught a bull shark in the Missouri River.
This strip should have been posted before Monday’s strip! That way you could tell us the doctor’s opinion of you having a paddleboard up your backside!!! At least, that’s what I believe would happen to me, best case scenario!
You’ve got this rhythm, you know? You say something straight. You bend it a little bit. By the third panel you’ve done a total 180 at what we thought the comic was going to be about, and by the fourth panel it somehow gets pointed back in the right direction.
My philosophy is: Better to stay off the paddle board and let everyone think you’re a doofus than to get on one and have them know for sure! 😀
Like you, I thought [x]boarding looked easy and discovered that it wasn’t by crashing. In my case, it was snowboarding. The good news is that I was able to save my holiday by trading out the rented board for a pair of skis. The bad news is that I don’t think that paddleboarding will afford you the same luxury.
Adam, do us a favour and post a strip in the aftermath lettimg us know how easy it was (or wasn’t, if the case may be) and how much you enjoyed it (even if the enjoyment is a zero value)
To be fair, if the lake is connected to the ocean via a river, there’s a chance it’s got bull sharks in it. So the metaphor may not be completely lost. You don’t even need to be close to the ocean: a few years ago, they caught a bull shark in the Missouri River.
The odds of dying in a hydrangea-related incident are small, but never zero.
This strip should have been posted before Monday’s strip! That way you could tell us the doctor’s opinion of you having a paddleboard up your backside!!! At least, that’s what I believe would happen to me, best case scenario!
Sharks *are* like hedges of the sea. I feel like you have exposed a universal untold truth.
You’ve got this rhythm, you know? You say something straight. You bend it a little bit. By the third panel you’ve done a total 180 at what we thought the comic was going to be about, and by the fourth panel it somehow gets pointed back in the right direction.