Bugging You For Money
When I first started this webcomic there was one thing I knew for sure:
I was not going to accept donations.
I don’t want a handout. If I want to make a buck, I’ll sell prints, original art and other merchandise instead. My current job affords me a living and I’m not a charity case.
That was until I found out my roommate, who’s been instrumental in getting this website up and running, is moving out at the end of August. Since then I’ve been scrambling, trying to figure out how to make this comic earn. I’m having trouble finding a one-bedroom apartment that I can afford and I’m interested to see if this comic can pick up the slack and keep me from moving to the crummy side of town where rent is cheaper.
Now I’ll admit that desperate times are no excuse to abandon your ethics, but I also feel that it’s stupid to turn my back on folks who enjoy my comic enough to want to give something back.
So there it is. I’m not going to beg and plead for your money. And if I have to move to a less-than-pleasant neighborhood, so be it. Bug will go on no matter where I end up. But if you like the strip enough that you want to support it, by all means, click on the goofball in the sidebar and donate what you can. Thanks.
Can I buy some prints?
Prints will be available shortly. I'm trying to get it set up so that folks can purchase either a print or the original. Hopefully everything will be up and running this week or the next.
Don't look at it as "begging for money." Look at it as voluntary payment for services rendered.
Doing what I can …
So, would it help you for followers to click through on your links? Do you get any scratch for that?
Hey I would definitely pay you if i were in a position to. hang in there and keep up the great comics dude.
When you release a book I'll buy it. But I cant afford to give away money… sorry man.
can i buy a bug liver? my human liver has taken a lot of hits for Team Human.
Maybe you can make a desktop image and in order to get it ppl can donate whatever they wish to pay for it to obtain it. Just a thought! Good luck!!
Begging = I want something, but I give you nothing.
Bargaining = I give you something if you give me something.
Philanthropy = I give you something and expect nothing in return.
Adding a tip jar doesn't make you a beggar, it just gives us the option to be philanthropic towards you too..
This ought to make your day. Well said, sir.
I have no problem with donating to a site I truly enjoy, this is one of the few consistently funny web comics out there. I do however think the 'Donate Bug' should look like a Hobo, ya know the ones that have the 'Need Money' signs but inexplicably also have an iPhone.