Take a Trip Down Gravity Lane
on April 22, 2016
at 12:00 am
I really tried to come up with a title based on the game The Binding of Isaac. Best I could come up with was “The Sliding of Isaac.” Pretty weak, right? Curious to know what titles you guys would’ve come up with.
Wouldn’t “The Binding of Isaac” worked as a title, as he’s earth -bound- thanks to Isaac?
you know….we could also claim intreast on past offences also…..
You just have to forget to hit the ground. Try thinking about lemurs.
I was once obsessed with Binding of Isaac. Not literally, but, 120+ hours logged. My game fixation currently is Enter the Gungeon, though.
I feel compelled to point out that Newton has no direct descendants; he died a virgin.
The Findings of Isaac? (In the sense: findings = discoveries)
Newton’s First Awwwww!
Not bad!
The Bounding of Isaac? (which echoes both leading and limits – out of bounds, not to mention MaGee’s “I have slipped the surly bonds of Earth”)
As you had in-comic, I think the Gliding sounds better than the Sliding.
Ooh, I have it – Gravity = The Bonding of Isaac!
Err, leaping, not leading – darned autocorrect!
Ike Drop
I kind of like gravity personally, because I like to jump…. but I also like to breathe!
An Apple a Day Makes me Fall This Way…ugh! Talk about weak…
I got nothin’…Gravity Sucks!
P.S. I really liked the line about his “fig peddling descendants”.
Actually, I kinda like “Gravity Sucks.”
Gravity is only a theory. Feel free to posit whatever alternative makes you feel better about yourself.
I probably would have called it “Zero Geez.”
I guess we can chalk up physics as another subject Adam pretends to know nothing about.
It’d be great if we find out eventually that literally all of these comics have been bug writing a letter, like the old comics.
Ha-ha! What do you mean “pretends”?
Yeah, maybe it is Gravity’s fault that you fall, but you’re the one who keeps not missing the ground.
To add to the funny, that is how an orbit works. The moon or other satellites are constantly falling, but they keep missing the earth.
Newton’s Sap
the stumbling of isaac
Ooo! I like that one!
Fink Newton?
You’re really fighting for that doofus id card. Aren’t you.
Panel 2: \me, yesterday @ about 17:30 MESZ, just having sprained my left ankle by tripping over the curb and on my gravitational way to the pavement along the local geodesic. F*ck you, Einstein, for having invented that. Ouch.
Cursing and blinding of Isaac.
And yet, “The Situation of the Gravity” (a play-on-words of the phrase ‘gravity of the situation’) never crossed your mind.
He didn’t invent gravity, he just passed the Law of Gravity. We should revoke it, at least on weekends, make it more interesting.
You wanna beat gravity? Just become so stupid that you could stomp the ground and miss.