Random Nonsense vs Focused Nonsense
Lemme bounce this off you guys:
I’ve been thinking about doing some Bug strips that stay on a particular subject for a full week; like doing a whole week where I riff on going to movie theaters. Stuff like that. I was (and am) a bit worried that devoting a whole week to a subject may turn some people off, but folks seemed to like the Zombie Week I did a while back – though I’m sure that had more to do to people just liking zombies.
I don’t think it’d be a regular thing, just something to break up the monotony every month or so, but who knows? It might be a new way for me to do these strips. I’ve been drawing these strips for around a year and a half now and I still feel like I haven’t gotten a real grasp on how to do it. If memory serves, Trey Parker and Matt Stone (the creators of South Park) said they didn’t really figure out their show until season five or six, and I’m sure this strip will be very different five years from now, both visually and writing-wise.
So what do you guys think?
Whatever works for your creative process should be fine with us. Focusing sometimes might help challenge you to dig into the cracks a little more, which is a good thing. But randomness is cool too.
Whatever the idea is, try it. If it sucks, it sucks. If it doesn't, then hey, it didn't suck. There's only one way to find out!
(I think it won't suck.)
I like the idea. I think it's absolutely worth a shot.
Sure, sounds like fun.
You always said that you are doing the strip you LOVE to draw, so if you want something with it you should try it anyway. Zombie Week was good so I see no reason why you shouldn't try. Nonsense is still nonsense, after all.
For me, it wouldn't make a difference.. I follow you via RSS, and whatever is new, is great.. I say go for it and if visits fall, un-do-it.
"Mainstream" (syndicated) comics often do theme weeks, so there's no reason why "Bug" shouldn't do the same.
Sounds good to me!
I think its a great idea. I always loved the Calvin and Hobbes stories that allowed for a little character development.
My suggestion would be to try to write the whole week before posting the first one, so that you have the ability to tweek the first few strips to set up your final ones really well.
By the way, thanks for cracking me up so much for the last year!
DEFINITELY go for it! Experiment as you will… That's how you'll figure out what it is that you want to do with the strip. Though I appreciate that you want input from your audience, we're here to see where you take us… If the concept works for you, great! If you don't like it, you can always stop and go back to random nonsense… Ultimately I am here to go along in whatever crazy ride Bug takes me! ^^
Absolutely! I think you should go for it. If you try it for a while and get negative responses, maybe you can rethink then, but I like to mix things up every now and then-keeps things fresh.
Dude, your comic rocks. It's consistently funny if not downright hilarious. I don't think a weekly theme is going to screw anything up. However, if you're afraid of a theme week, make a theme week but don't tell us. Like every Monday is your movie theater day. That way you get your themes out of your system and you don't worry about people getting turned off by a theme. But ultimately I agree with ShootinPutin: it's YOUR comic, do what you want that makes you feel fulfilled.
Honestly, if you've got material for a whole week, why the eff not. I mean, except if it's an incredibly niche subject which people might not get (and so far I've seen none of that), I doubt it would get boring at all.
I think that's a fine idea, so long as it's only now and then. That is, if you've got a great idea for a week, go for it, but don't feel confined to stretching a topic out for five strips and running out of good material for it.
I think you've got a great grasp on how to do this comic. Any humor comic has some days where the joke just doesn't do it for me, and some days where it does. Well, I suppose a humor comic could never be funny, but then I wouldn't bother reading it. My point is, Bug delivers a very high funny to not funny ratio, even compared to other very popular webcomics. So hopefully five years from now, if you're still drawing this then, at least that aspect of Bug won't change.
Moviegoers are a lot like zombies anyway, so what's the difference?
Seriously, go for it.
Just try it and let's see how it turns out to be! Me personally love "week specials", other webcomics don't do it often enough in my opinion!
I don't think people who like the strip will be turned off by anything Bug. Personally, I don't have an opinion about the random/nonrandom issue… I just want my daily dose
Otherwise, do whatever inspires you
That sounds like a lot of fun. I'm all for weekly themes.
I'm all for it! I don't doubt that it'll still be one of the funniest webcomics out there.
You are the creative mind, and I couldn't make a decent comic-strip, if my life depended on it (fortunately; it doesn't). If the creative part of your mind tells you to go for it, then by all means follow through.
As a fan I don't care either way about whatever theoretical concepts you think up for your strip, so I won't pass judgment until I see a finished product.
It would be neat to see what would happen if you DID make it a regular thing,
I like the idea as long as its not a "locked in" week thing. If you only have 4 good themed strips, let that be the total of the "riff" and move on to a new idea. If you can do it for 12 strips, than go for it. Time is arbitrary. No need to make it define how long your riff should be.
totally agree with this! It doesn't have to fit a standard week time line.
I think you should give it a try and see how it turns out.
I can't imagine it would turn me off this comic. I'm digging both the dark humor writing and the artwork – 'tis good stuff! ^_^
well, every other webcomic does it. and to be frank i don't think i'll get the somewhat dull experience of .. let's say penny arcades story things here.
just make sure not to make it to tight a schedule for yourself – as long as your mind is wrapped around a certain topic, good things will come out.
I have to go with non-believer here. Don't force yourself to come up with 5 strips if you can only think of 4 on a theme.
And I have to say, you're doing a hell of a lot better with not having yet figured out your strip than a lot of other cartoonists I've seen. I'm still amazed at how consistently funny you've been over the past year and a half – and yes, especially Zombie Week. I still get a big chuckle out of "Zombie think you guys are jerks".
If you love what you're doing, who cares what others think? It will only make your strips better anyway. Not that they need help, you give me my daily dose of milk snorts. I did enjoy trying to see how you were tying the strips together, if that helps.
Sound good. I bet one testicle that if that doesn't work, people will keep following your comic. I know I will!
You have to whatever you feel you have to do – we will love your Bug anyway! The most important that you have as much fun as possible, and so will we!
Do it! If it makes you happy, just try it and see.
I have the same 'problem' with my comic (although my userbase isn't as big as your comic). But I think the best you can do is do what makes you happy and having fun doing it. If you loose some followers, you will gain some others for sure. And that way, you can keep it up – instead of doing something you less enjoy
Goodluck and I'm already looking forward to your next comic
Honestly, it's all up to you. I'm happy to enjoy your work no matter how focused it is or not.
Try it, if it goes well then you can do more of it. If it does not go well, well, it was only a week.
Go with your gut! Don't worry, we're not a fickle bunch!
I agree that it's your comic so go for it. I also agree with the "don't lock yourself in if it runs out in 4 comics" part too. The part that I don't necessarily agree with is the "if people complain" part. Some people bitch and complain just for the sake of being an ass so if people complain, don't take it too seriously.
I say go for it, it's your comic and I enjoy reading it every day!
I say feel free to experiment – I'll stick around for as long as you use turns of phrase like "Farting sparks" (snicker).
Love your comic! I think it's a great idea, but agree with others that you shouldn't arbitrarily make it a week-long thing. If you've got three great comics about an idea, make that a series. If you have 10 great ideas, even better!
If this is what you're doing when you've not got a handle on it then I can't wait to see what you come you with when you do get a handle on things. I think the 'not locked on' idea is the best way to go that way you can continue the thread for as long (or short) as you want, you never know you might want to do more than 5.
Sounds like a good idea. And as long as you don´t change the way you draw BUG i´ll keep reading your comics. (please don´t color the pictures!!)
WHat?! How DARE you compare yourself to Trey Parker and Matt Stone! They are artistic geniuses and you…. haha, j/k. Also yes, I like the idea of a theme week. I've only been reading for a few months now but I really think you do an awesome job, and the comic is consistently funny.
There's nothing wrong with more week-long strips. Maybe you could increase the frequency of these strips while still doing your random nonsense strips
Seriously, who the hell cares what your readers think? Are you doing this strip for us, or for yourself? You started out doing it for yourself and you've gained quite an audience. Nuts to your audience.
Go for it!
Just do whatever YOU want to do.
Honestly just do whatever pops into your head to make comics about. Don't get stuck trying to fill a requirement that we ask you to do. Let the creativity flow.
Keep it up, it's awesome.
As long as it's funny!
I recently subscribed to your RSS feed. That was based on a few clicks of the Random link, but most of the comics in the feed were related themes shared between each pair of days. If your continuity wasn't good, I would've unsubscribed.
Do what You want. fans of Bug will like anything he does.
and you have more of style than you notice. first panel has a thought that introduces the concept, with an occasional drawing to back up the idea. 2nd – 4th panels give examples of the introduced concept, though sometimes the 4th wraps it up with a conclusion, or drawback/up side to the idea. I may have just sucked the funny out of Bug. kill me.
Why not? All your strips are gold! I seriously doubt you'll lose any readers.
Do it! I'll still read your comic.
Do whatever floats your boat; that's what people come for, right? Your humor. If your humor dictates a week of movie theater jokes, then by Saturday, I'm going to be wanting to go to the movies (or not, depending on where you go with it.)
It would take a lot more than a week of bad comics to scare me off. I love Bug!!
Do it! I'll still read Bug.