Random Nonsense vs Focused Nonsense
Lemme bounce this off you guys:
I’ve been thinking about doing some Bug strips that stay on a particular subject for a full week; like doing a whole week where I riff on going to movie theaters. Stuff like that. I was (and am) a bit worried that devoting a whole week to a subject may turn some people off, but folks seemed to like the Zombie Week I did a while back – though I’m sure that had more to do to people just liking zombies.
I don’t think it’d be a regular thing, just something to break up the monotony every month or so, but who knows? It might be a new way for me to do these strips. I’ve been drawing these strips for around a year and a half now and I still feel like I haven’t gotten a real grasp on how to do it. If memory serves, Trey Parker and Matt Stone (the creators of South Park) said they didn’t really figure out their show until season five or six, and I’m sure this strip will be very different five years from now, both visually and writing-wise.
So what do you guys think?
I don't mind weekly topics; just don't force it. Like if you're running out of material for that topic, don't stress it. Don't force funny, it seems to come naturally to you already.
totally agree
Sounds like a good idea. You don't have to say that it is a week on the same theme. You can just be writing several strips on the same theme and if you don't hit the five strips needed for a week then who really cares? There is nothing wrong with if we only get three strips on one single topic.
I think you should just do what you want. From what I've seen, it will be funny. If it isn't, I'm sure you will figure that out. Maybe people will even point it out to you (it is the internet). Then you will correct course.
Fear of failure prevents the highest achievements.
Take it easy, you don't need to announce or promise an ongoing theme. Just go for it while the good ideas last and feel free to drop the topic otherwise.
Your comic, your creative genius. Whatever you choose to do, I'll still be laughing.
Whatever keeps the strips coming and you from burning out, I'm for it. Really enjoy what you're doing here.
Do whatever you need to keep your mojo working, Adam. Of course, as long as it doesn't involve half a dozen cans of condensed milk, ten feet of duct tape and a mechanical bull.
I honestly believe you/bug can do no wrong. Go for it.
Woohoo and whatnot.
Sometimes the greatest punchlines take more than three panels to set up. Sometimes condensing an idea to a confined space can provoke more creativity. Sometimes restricting ourselves to one subject can help explore an idea. Sometimes forcing us to leave a familiar subject can show more aspects of our world.
What I'm trying to say is, whatever works for you is fine by me. Your strip is fantastic, and brightens my mornings with some truly great laughs. I am sure your comic stylings will handle more than one strip on a topic just fine.
As can be evident in the 50+ comments here, you have plenty of support in experimenting with your comics. These are YOUR comics and YOUR characters. Never let anyone else say otherwise.
I can definitely understand that coming with a specifically "random nonsense" about a topic may be difficult as well as hampering creative process. I'm sure many times you've had a great follow-up idea to a specific topic and it would sadden me to think you felt you had to abandon them due to a perceived need to be "random."
Random thoughts are still random if you can follow a logical progression through it or even expand on it.
Random does not have to be [horses -> chairs]. Starting with horses is random enough and examining it in unconventional ways is also random.
Long story short:
Don't tie your hands behind your back just to be "random." Do what feels natural and do what you do best.
Have fun, its funnyer that way
Just like the previous commenter said (in my summary): It's your comic, do what you want to do with it. Going through the archives recently, your comic already has changed a lot in the last year & a half and your fan base has grown too.
I like the idea as long as you enjoy doing it.
Do what you wanna, but I would say it doesn't hurt to mix it up a bit. And don't feel like you're restricted to a full week. Maybe try a three day stretch or something like that.
It's your comic, do what *you* want.
If staying on a subject for a week helps you, go for it.
If moving to a 3-panel strip works, go for it.
Whatever gets your creative juices going.
Go for it mate
I'm all for it. Zombie week was really good and I look forward to your work, regardless of the topic.
I look forward to a running gag. I like your work and look forward to more. A week long thing would be a good experiment.
I happen to prefer it when comics pick a category for a few strips. I frequently get to the end of a strip and wish that there was more done on the subject, but the next day is always something random.
I think it's a great idea! I'm looking forward to it.
Experimentation will lead to improvement, so there is no harm trying it! I look forward to it
I read this strip to be disappointed…do you best!
What a strange thing to say…
I personally will love Bug no matter what, but I like not knowing what you're going to come up with next. I think that if you focused on one thing for a whole week, I personally might get a little bored, but would still find you as hilarious as ever. You asked for my opinion.
I say go with whatever makes you come up with the funny!
Themes are cool, but not all the time. Consider the discovery channel. Usually they just run their shows and there's nothing special. Once in a while, though, they come out with SHARK WEEK, which is awesome! SO, theme weeks every once in a while, I think.
That sounds like a great idea, it sort of organizes things. I think you should at least do it a few times and then get everyone's feedback when we see it in action
Instead of doing an entire week, do a series and space them out. Newer comics that make reference to some of your older ones. It gives new viewers more incentive to read the entire archive.
I think some topics like theaters or zombies benefit by having more than one strip about them so they can be developed. There are a lot of times I read a Bug and think "There's so much more to do with that!" or "I wish he would have talked about "x" aspect of it…" So on occassion I think it would work great with broad subjects.
In my opinion, you can write whatever you want, and as you said, once or twice a month you can focus on something, I really loved the christmas specials, zombies and others, I'd love to see more of that.
Your strip is awesome. Trust your instincts.
Do a barrel roll!
Please do. I often want to see more. Perhaps also special, longer comics? Like on Wednesdays. Wednesdays need some more humpage to help us get through them.
Adam, I trust that whichever you choose to do I will be cracking up atleast 5 times each week. Keep up the amazing job!
Hey Adam,
Dude whatever you decide to do I'm sure I'll still love your comic-this is the one site I check every day and it almost always brings a smile to my face. If you wanna do a theme though, maybe you should make it have a story line-that way people will be more interested to see what happens next, and you may enjoy the challenge it poses to your writing. You never know, you may develop as an artist! Keep up the great work man!
do whatever you want. You're the comic God. It's your domain.
honestly, whatever makes the creative process easier is fine with me.
Personally, my favorite strips from various webcomics are part of a series of them, particularly a few from xkcd. It lets you set up jokes that at the first strip, which the punchline is then given at the end, for example. It also gives some semblance of story. If that's not what you're thinking of, just a theme would be nice too. Don't try to force it though.
I thinks it'd be pretty cool if you did that like once a month.
OK, yeah, I know I'm just joining the chorus here, but…. You've got an AMAZING track record. As long as you keep doing stuff you think is funny, I suspect the rest of us will continue to enjoy it, whether it's a new topic every day or a new topic every month.
My opinion: if you've got a week worth of stuff to say on a subject… I'd like to hear it!
I think Reci's first comment says it for me. I'm not bored with the same topic if you're not.
I like it. You don't have to read them sequentially, but there is still a sense of theme. It's subtle, not like "this is a comic about lemons."
But I'll read it no matter what you write.
Just wanted to chime in and say that your comics are great and you should take it in whatever direction you feel comfortable with.
Wow! Thank you all so much for all your feedback!
You guys are great!
i say go for it! if you have trouble you have a hilarious strip as it is, you can just fall back on that.
Boo. Nonsense cannot be focussed. If you must, mix them up, so Tuesdays are on the same theme, etc.
Sometimes true nonsense can roll on for days.
It's all in how you handle it. If you make this common than we may grow bored but if you space them out a good distance they become treats something we're happy. If you've seen the nostalgia critic you'll know that one of his best kinds of videos (his top elevens) are only produced like once every three months.He does that because we'll probably get bored and think of him as doing just that.
Follow your muse. But don't follow her to one of those cheap bars that still plays disco, that never ends well.
You forgot about the muse of rhythmic nonsense?
Nonsense without a beat is boring.
I think focused nonsense is incredible. It's only day two of Movie Week, and I'm already liking this focused nonsense. Zombie Week and the week of linking back to the previous comment were both awesome, so why not do some occasional weeks of one topic?
Bug should totally have a Steampunk Week. Just for a future suggestion.
I love Bug anyway, but I think knowing that the strip was gonna be about films every day this week took a little of the excitement out of it for me (although you did really capture loads of different movie theatre elements, which was cool). You said yourself though that you'll probably just do the week theme every so often, so hey – what's one (teeny tiny!) differing opinion? I could just be on an off-week in my humour area!
Your work is great. The best comic on the web: Its acid and well written. I really like when theme weeks appear. You should do them more often, that's for sure. Having them every week would at least be a nice experiment, altough I suggest what has been said before – don't be so strict. If the subject is weak, you can always drop it. Anyways, you manage to unfold weak topics, and that is the genious of this comic. Just don't force it, and you'll be fine.
Indeed, I agree with the consensus of my fellow commentators: go for it! Picking subjects that you like, and believe a good amount of your readers will like, that will also give you enough material for a week or so worth of comic sounds like a great idea. ^_^