I love how ironically BACKWARDS this comic is……cas I think technically you are not legally responsable for dead bodies on your property (not that its not EXTREMELY suspicious mind you….)
but doctors have to sign paperwork and what-not and theres SOP that you also HAVE to follow and stuff……
I love Panel 2! The “failure chute” is funny in its own right, and the “…or wherever it is they go” part tickles me even more by hinting that the author is just making this up as he goes along.
Lately I’ve noticed the pattern that the second panels are unusually funny. (I don’t really know why, but maybe it’s because they’re set up to be punch-lines to the introductory panels.) At any rate, I love those second panels, Adam! (And the other panels, too!)
I have a book on archaeological assessment of dead bodies on my desk at work. It’s also an instruction manual for disposing of dead bodies, along with how long each method takes.
I love how ironically BACKWARDS this comic is……cas I think technically you are not legally responsable for dead bodies on your property (not that its not EXTREMELY suspicious mind you….)
but doctors have to sign paperwork and what-not and theres SOP that you also HAVE to follow and stuff……
(I know its just a joke)
This reminds me of this Basic Instructions strip.
“Failure Chute!” FTW!!!
I love Panel 2! The “failure chute” is funny in its own right, and the “…or wherever it is they go” part tickles me even more by hinting that the author is just making this up as he goes along.
Lately I’ve noticed the pattern that the second panels are unusually funny. (I don’t really know why, but maybe it’s because they’re set up to be punch-lines to the introductory panels.) At any rate, I love those second panels, Adam! (And the other panels, too!)
So does this count as the third comic strip for medical week.
I see Doctor Bug got all his medical training from Zoidberg.
Need surgery? Why not Bug?
Us paramedics loved medical week!
I have a book on archaeological assessment of dead bodies on my desk at work. It’s also an instruction manual for disposing of dead bodies, along with how long each method takes.
So I wonder… is the homophone (“shoot” in panel 1, “chute” in 2) intentional? Or subliminal? Or… can’t think of the word. Shoot.