Such rooms did exist! Japanese companies installed them in late 70s. There were puppets in real human size faced like the bosses you could hit with clubs or your fists. Redirecting aggressions in this way was increasing productivity, they think.
I enjoyed hearing that the sweet, polite Japanese ladies who worked in offices loved a game where they could set their bosses on fire or hurl them out high-rise windows.
I missed the ‘This’ in ‘F— this place’ room and was very condused until I re-read the strip.
Such rooms did exist! Japanese companies installed them in late 70s. There were puppets in real human size faced like the bosses you could hit with clubs or your fists. Redirecting aggressions in this way was increasing productivity, they think.
I enjoyed hearing that the sweet, polite Japanese ladies who worked in offices loved a game where they could set their bosses on fire or hurl them out high-rise windows.
I’m thinking these rooms will be a pretty hard sell for cartoonists and other folks who work from home. “But honey! Just look what I have set up…”
Wow. You are now posting comics that are Not Safe for Work (NSW). Seriously my boss would be be disturbed if he caught me reading this.
These totally exist!
Of course there are no dummies or anything like that, but the whole room bashing thing is real.
This was posted on my very last day working at my terrible job. Quite apropos.
…and i’m reading it on the day i turn in two weeks notice! ha!