With those 12-pack abs, I’d hate to see what he did when they canceled Will and Grace :-O But why was bug out wandering in the forest in the 1st place? Seeking naked chicks with flamethrowers ??
I’m pretty sure tree-hugging is perfectly legal in the state of Washington. And panel 4 made me cross my legs involuntarily…
I dont think those lines are abs, I think they’re the motion lines of him picking up the tree. I could be wrong though… and if I am… they’re a bit too high to really be abs.
I came to the site, my eyes spot the third panel image while heading over to start, and my first thought is: “Wow, is this going to be a comic about hippies?”
Maybe I should go find an angry weak person to give all my expired BK ketchup packets to. I always had a feeling they could still be used for the greater good.
This struck an odd note; I had a friend who once, in a fit of temper, tore up a tree-stump from the ground with a quite virtuoso display of violence and threw it down a hill.
He was in the finest, cheeriest mood imaginable after that.
Now I’m seeing Basil Fawlty beating his car with a tree branch….
Tree Humping Hippie. I love it! You never cease to amaze me, Adam!
Being your friend must be awesome, especially if you think out loud.
With those 12-pack abs, I’d hate to see what he did when they canceled Will and Grace :-O But why was bug out wandering in the forest in the 1st place? Seeking naked chicks with flamethrowers ??
I’m pretty sure tree-hugging is perfectly legal in the state of Washington. And panel 4 made me cross my legs involuntarily…
He was not “wandering”. He was LOST, but won’t admit it.
I dont think those lines are abs, I think they’re the motion lines of him picking up the tree. I could be wrong though… and if I am… they’re a bit too high to really be abs.
You’re correct, they’re motion lines.
I already love little-old-lady bug!
them tomatoes look a wee bit testicular.. #Nutcracker
Try throwing chairs, but be careful in what directions. Avoid the windows.
I came to the site, my eyes spot the third panel image while heading over to start, and my first thought is: “Wow, is this going to be a comic about hippies?”
Maybe I should go find an angry weak person to give all my expired BK ketchup packets to. I always had a feeling they could still be used for the greater good.
Everyone talks about tree “huggers” but it takes Adam to go the unstated distance to tree “lovers”.
What’s that internet rule number? ANYTHING can be made into porn. I’m off to search for tree loving porn.
Man, I search for “tree porn”. Now i’m shocked!… surprised… and strangely amazed…
Rule no. 34.
Found some but it’s mostly just trees growing in “interesting” shapes.
me, too, chad.. jenna elfman is hawt..
A perfect Strip for a hump day! “Tree humping Hippy” BAhahahahahahahahahahahahaha Oh Adam you brighten my days.
Chadbug = Hulkbug? ME like! ME no angry at bug strip!
This appears to be the week of herbophilia, doesn’t it? You got something you want to tell us? o_O
p.s. – I’m still laughing at “the Bob Guccione of shrubbery.” That was just amazing.
Not your best, but that’s not saying anything bad, I was still laughing pretty hard.
Your work is amazing.
For some reason, I thought the cynical Old Lady Bug would be a lot more tyrannical about her tomatoes.
This struck an odd note; I had a friend who once, in a fit of temper, tore up a tree-stump from the ground with a quite virtuoso display of violence and threw it down a hill.
He was in the finest, cheeriest mood imaginable after that.
Do it. Do the first thing that comes to mind, for as long as you wish it.
Not only will you be relieved, you will be cured for good.