That's funny, cause I imagined hunter bug with my neighbor's heavy southern drawl, cause he goes hunting regularly. He let us have some of the meat before, but my wife doesn't like the gamey taste. *shrug* Awesome comic as always!
Afterthought: Almost every single person who comments says something along the lines of "Awesome comic!" ….I wonder if it gets tiresome? You know you're doing good when you get so many compliments, it gets annoying.
That would be quite epic though, to reach a level of awesome, that it becomes annoying to be called awesome. I guess the only way that could be achieved though is to become something better than awesome, and you take it as an insult if someone called you awesome.
That's like saying Zeus is just cool.
By the way, this is the only webcomic I read anymore, all the others either don't make any more comics, take a month to make each new one, or just are bad. This is godly level of awesome on a daily basis. Keep up the good work Adamus Huberitis.
Hunted Bug in panel 1 is what B. Breathed would have drawn if Opus were a Bug. Awesome how you incorporate so much expression into such an otherwise simple character. Thanx, keep it up. Please.
Sweet… awesome as always!!!
Were you thinking "The Pest" or "Predator" or something in between? And if you got shot with a taser, would that still count?
I was thinking "the most dangerous game"
Same here!
5th panel:
*Parody of Bugs Bunny & Daffy Duck arguing while pulling down signs reading: 'Duck Season' or 'Rabbit Season' until they get to 'Elmer Fudd Season'*
Ahhh this site makes me look forward to mondays!
I imagined hunter-bug with an australian accent. Not sure why. Maybe its the hat.
He's actually Dutch. The hat is camouflage; it lets him blend in with all the Australian hunters.
That's funny, cause I imagined hunter bug with my neighbor's heavy southern drawl, cause he goes hunting regularly. He let us have some of the meat before, but my wife doesn't like the gamey taste. *shrug* Awesome comic as always!
Afterthought: Almost every single person who comments says something along the lines of "Awesome comic!" ….I wonder if it gets tiresome?
You know you're doing good when you get so many compliments, it gets annoying.
It never gets tiresome. I appreciate every compliment.
That would be quite epic though, to reach a level of awesome, that it becomes annoying to be called awesome. I guess the only way that could be achieved though is to become something better than awesome, and you take it as an insult if someone called you awesome.
That's like saying Zeus is just cool.
By the way, this is the only webcomic I read anymore, all the others either don't make any more comics, take a month to make each new one, or just are bad. This is godly level of awesome on a daily basis. Keep up the good work Adamus Huberitis.
The first thing I saw in this was the picture with the molotov and I thought this was gonna either be about zombies or left 4 dead.
Hunted Bug in panel 1 is what B. Breathed would have drawn if Opus were a Bug. Awesome how you incorporate so much expression into such an otherwise simple character. Thanx, keep it up. Please.
It's funny that you have a terminix banner…..
this made me bust out laughing, i thinks its also funny that the molotov cocktail is such a popular weapon of choice these days
I know just what i was thinking
This reminds me of the Mosquito Hunting sketch from Monty Python… so funny!
I love that sketch. Particularly the last bit when they're sitting on the tank. Love it.
just wanted it say thank you.
this is the only comic that makes me laugh out loud (not lol) consistently mush less 3 to 4 time in one comic.
p.s. this comic is awesome
p.p.s im to lazy to hit shift
Lol! That's me in the second panel. I'd make the hunter freakin' earn that kill. Another excellent comic Adam!