Perhaps open with the chocolate bars, and slide into the presentation from there?
“Would you like to know about a future of things even better than these chocolate bars?”
If you look at it just right, the mustache on the bug in the second panel looks like a shrieking mouth. But in that case, the bug should be saying “Blargh! Blargh!”
Now that I think about it, maybe that’s how the young bug sees the adult bug: as a madman chasing after him, flailing his arms, yelling “Blargh! Blargh!”
Those ‘selling’ religion have all the earnestness of thos pushing a particular wireless calling plan, which are just as confusing, and with quite similar peril if you choose the wrong one.
You are seriously trying to compare door to door witnessing with cell phone plans? You really couldn’t come up with anything better? Were you tired and bored after hours of lurking the internet looking for things about religion and just were like “You know, screw it. Cell phone plans.”
It primarily happened to me with kids. I’d be rolling down the street on my bike, a little wagon hitch to carry some 300 bars (I was good), and as soon as I got going there’d be kids crawling out of the woodwork to buy stuff. I was afraid I’d get mugged, to be honest, when some of them ran over from a pickup baseball game with bats in hand.
i like it when adam comments. it’s like god descending from heaven and saying stuff like “yeah,you heard me right, i said you should be nice” (because while his comics are awesome, his comments usually range from ‘thanks’ to ‘i thought i fixed that problem’)
Discussion (29) ¬
“Sorry guys, Halloween was yesterday and by the way those costumes are pretty boring.”
I’mma like you – and everything you stand for.
Now, where is that order form?
I’m gonna have to start really paying attention to those cookie order forms now.
We’re not “selling religion”, although I’m sure some people feel that way.
Funny comic, though. I’ma share it with my fellow Witness friends!
I don’t know, Jeff. I think we’re missing an opportunity here … “Free chocolate bar with every Bible study” …
Perhaps open with the chocolate bars, and slide into the presentation from there?
“Would you like to know about a future of things even better than these chocolate bars?”
Better than chocolate bars? That means you’re selling cats. Come along, you’re under arrest.
I know I sure loved it. :p
Hooray! Dad Bug’s back!
If you look at it just right, the mustache on the bug in the second panel looks like a shrieking mouth. But in that case, the bug should be saying “Blargh! Blargh!”
Now that I think about it, maybe that’s how the young bug sees the adult bug: as a madman chasing after him, flailing his arms, yelling “Blargh! Blargh!”
Those ‘selling’ religion have all the earnestness of thos pushing a particular wireless calling plan, which are just as confusing, and with quite similar peril if you choose the wrong one.
Terrible, terrible troll.
You are seriously trying to compare door to door witnessing with cell phone plans? You really couldn’t come up with anything better? Were you tired and bored after hours of lurking the internet looking for things about religion and just were like “You know, screw it. Cell phone plans.”
I think the cell phone plans are far more perilous. No descent God would give a damn which religion you pick as long as you’re a nice person.
Terrible troll is terrible.
To the outer darkness with you both [NO SERVICE]!
I didn’t know Jesus was a peanut butter fan
I remember the candy bars. People really did run after me waving money. Creepy.
It primarily happened to me with kids. I’d be rolling down the street on my bike, a little wagon hitch to carry some 300 bars (I was good), and as soon as I got going there’d be kids crawling out of the woodwork to buy stuff. I was afraid I’d get mugged, to be honest, when some of them ran over from a pickup baseball game with bats in hand.
Tagalong…with Jesus. That made me laugh xD
Is it just me or did the update get missed? ._.
You’re saying this comic didn’t show up on November 2nd? I’m pretty sure it did.
i like it when adam comments. it’s like god descending from heaven and saying stuff like “yeah,you heard me right, i said you should be nice” (because while his comics are awesome, his comments usually range from ‘thanks’ to ‘i thought i fixed that problem’)
True. Wish there was less “I thought I fixed that problem” and “Oops. Good catch. Will fix.”
Meh. Mistakes prove that you’re human. And the number of comments prove you care about your creation. And your readers.
*facepalm* I forgot that this doesn’t update on weekends, sorry
Ha-ha! No worries.