Type 2 diabetes, though can be a genetic predisposition, can also be avoidable if you exercise regularly and eat right. Obesity and overeating can cause type 2 diabetes, especially in those that are predisposed to get it. So it’s very much acquirable for anyone. Type 1 diabetes on the other hand tends to affect younger people. It’s usually a complete failure of the pancreas and can be caused by an everyday virus that attacks the pancreas (or the antibodies that mistake pancreas cells as virus cells, yikes!). You can also be genetically predisposed for this type as well, but again, don’t necessarily have to be to get it.
lol@ "The lady who"… The post in question actually read like it was written by a teenage boy with too much time and misplaced idealism on his hands… Which is odd, since most teenage boys have figured out plenty of things to… keep their hands busy… 0_o
hehe just watched saw to 1 to 4 last night. Great stuff Adam keep up the good work
Amen to the diabetes, Adam.
Except that type 2 diabetes causes obesity. Not the other way round. It's a genetic predisposition, not an acquired state. Great comic though! =)
umm… no, no, and no.
go gets you some science before you start talking, randome
bill’s right. and he’s a cat.
Type 2 diabetes, though can be a genetic predisposition, can also be avoidable if you exercise regularly and eat right. Obesity and overeating can cause type 2 diabetes, especially in those that are predisposed to get it. So it’s very much acquirable for anyone. Type 1 diabetes on the other hand tends to affect younger people. It’s usually a complete failure of the pancreas and can be caused by an everyday virus that attacks the pancreas (or the antibodies that mistake pancreas cells as virus cells, yikes!). You can also be genetically predisposed for this type as well, but again, don’t necessarily have to be to get it.
Oh my goodness, Adam. You're terrible lol. I want that Saw book, though.
i think the "Xray vision" gets me….i actualy was thinking about it yesterday evening…
(was thinking about Smallville)..hey dont hate me…
Good work adam…:D
Theodor Geisel's angry little brother?
HAHAHAHAHA! This is soooo wrong but I enjoy it sooo much. I guess that makes me an evil person
The lady who had issues with the "sacrificing your kid" panel a couple weeks ago will flip when she sees this! Good work, Adam! ; )
lol@ "The lady who"… The post in question actually read like it was written by a teenage boy with too much time and misplaced idealism on his hands… Which is odd, since most teenage boys have figured out plenty of things to… keep their hands busy… 0_o
*nudge* *nudge* i getcha! *wink!*
…model car kits, right
I love Kid Bug's enthusiasm about the Mop and Glo. Another home run, Adam!!
So thats why I have type 2 Diabetes. Oh well now regrets, I hate wheaties anyway.
I LOL at panel one! OMG
anyone familiar with Uncle Shelby's ABZ Book?
Honestly, I think the book in the last panel should be real.
damn, i like my children… i need to quickly find children i dislike before i crack
the saw pop-up book would sell like crazy
i love the little girly bug. especially on panel two, reading the sawbook with so much interest
ps. i can see myself in the role of her dad… i read some similar stuff with my little daughter har har har har
…I think I love you, Adam. In a totally manly way.
The rest of you, stop judging me :p
The first panel made me choke on my drink a little bit xD Awesome! Loved this one. Keep up the good work
I like "the Crows of Pearblossom†although these titles sound notable.
we sure don't want all the kids to become normal and boring!!!
love the fact that the last panel rhymes
Hah! I’m SO buying the last one for my baby niece.
This one floored me! Though I think Saw should have been last.