You’re pretty cute in most context leads to that, but I feel like it’s different on a date. Nerves and somethings feeling like weirder first steps and so on.
Yeah I pretty much did that on my latest first date… Turns out she kinda liked my Spazzy personality, and Nerd-esque charm. Now we’re getting married! Although she hasn’t said anything about my Eau du Geek fragrance…
On the contrary, “You’re pretty cute for a ____” usually leads to the friend zone…
yeah, but “you’re pretty cute for a Kryptonian supervillain” usually leads you to the Phantom Zone.
OMFG! If I could *like* that, Tino, I would.
And I thought Adam is the only one around with a brilliant brain… how do you come up with something like that
You’re pretty cute in most context leads to that, but I feel like it’s different on a date. Nerves and somethings feeling like weirder first steps and so on.
Looking forward to the LoveBug’s Advice for not screwing first dates
That would be good advice, unless that is what you wanted to do in the first place.
Bow chicka bow wow?
So even Nerd Bug can give him dating advice that improves his chances…. He’s got a long way to go.
Love bug’s name is Herbie, not Nerd bug.
That first panel reminds me of me as a teenager. o.o
the first panel is absolutrly amazing
LOVE ME!! Haha
That panel made me realise what ive been doing wrong
Everything but the fart joke was awesome.
I like the first Panel. Nothing says I love you more than a hurled heart box.
Us Spaz’s are a cute bunch, lemme tell ya!
and the fart joke is awesome too!
Agree with all the above! I particularly like Bug’s quizzical look when trying to figure out who should be asked to pull his finger …
Hey, it works! I married a spaz.
Yeah I pretty much did that on my latest first date… Turns out she kinda liked my Spazzy personality, and Nerd-esque charm. Now we’re getting married! Although she hasn’t said anything about my Eau du Geek fragrance…
I really laughed so hard with the first panel.. really xD it’s been days since the last time I did that with a comic haha
So we’re saying throwing candy at your date isn’t a good opening? Are you sure? What if it’s soft candy?
That first panel sent me into hysterics.
You’re *huff* going to LOVE MEEEEEEE!!!!