That guy being helpful in the second panel had me rolling. Nice job!
The Bob Villa comment was what had me rolling.
I love the antennae poking out of the helmets. And the Bob Vila line.
Yeah, I wasn't sure about this strip until I came up with the Bob Vila line. That actually made me chuckle.
…I feel so bad about laughing hysterically but its so brilliant. *snorts*
This never fails to make me laugh. The guy hanging from the cross in the background makes for a great visual.
I don't need to tell you the writing's good. :p
Thanks a lot, man! I've gotten a great response from this one. Maybe I should do more crucifixion jokes…
ok i just read this one at work – i make a "snerk" sound at the last panel.
The last panel is all win.
Do you have copy writer for so good articles? If so please give me contacts, because this really rocks!
Nope. Just me thinking of goofy stuff.
Awesome comic, man. The 2nd and 4th panels are hilarious.
You have to express more your opinion to attract more readers, because just a video or plain text without any personal approach is not that valuable. But it is just form my point of view
In the last panel shouldn't that have been "Bobus Villia?"
This was one of my favorites, I suck with tools too. ”Way to go Bob Vila.” LOLZORZ
That last panel made me choke on my tea. LOL!
I'm trying to LOL as quietly as possible in my cubicle. I actually have tears running down my cheeks…
… and of all the Gospel accounts, only Huber mentions that Bug Jesus, embarrassingly, was accidentally crucified upside-down…
"Damnit! Now he can run away! Nice going Genius!" for the last panel
(last panel) hellp meeh Oprah Winfreyy!
that guy in the 2nd panel can escape… cant he?
Made me laugh, but nails weren’t standard procedure for crucifixion, normally Romans just used rope to tie the victim to the cross.
Exactly what I was thinking. Still funny though.
@dargor17 OOOOH, big man with his knowledge
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Discussion (25) ¬
That guy being helpful in the second panel had me rolling. Nice job!
The Bob Villa comment was what had me rolling.
I love the antennae poking out of the helmets. And the Bob Vila line.
Yeah, I wasn't sure about this strip until I came up with the Bob Vila line. That actually made me chuckle.
…I feel so bad about laughing hysterically but its so brilliant. *snorts*
This never fails to make me laugh. The guy hanging from the cross in the background makes for a great visual.
I don't need to tell you the writing's good. :p
Thanks a lot, man! I've gotten a great response from this one. Maybe I should do more crucifixion jokes…
ok i just read this one at work – i make a "snerk" sound at the last panel.
The last panel is all win.
Do you have copy writer for so good articles? If so please give me contacts, because this really rocks!
Nope. Just me thinking of goofy stuff.
Awesome comic, man. The 2nd and 4th panels are hilarious.
You have to express more your opinion to attract more readers, because just a video or plain text without any personal approach is not that valuable. But it is just form my point of view
In the last panel shouldn't that have been "Bobus Villia?"
This was one of my favorites, I suck with tools too. ”Way to go Bob Vila.” LOLZORZ
That last panel made me choke on my tea. LOL!
I'm trying to LOL as quietly as possible in my cubicle. I actually have tears running down my cheeks…
… and of all the Gospel accounts, only Huber mentions that Bug Jesus, embarrassingly, was accidentally crucified upside-down…
"Damnit! Now he can run away! Nice going Genius!" for the last panel
(last panel) hellp meeh Oprah Winfreyy!
that guy in the 2nd panel can escape… cant he?
Made me laugh, but nails weren’t standard procedure for crucifixion, normally Romans just used rope to tie the victim to the cross.
Exactly what I was thinking. Still funny though.
OOOOH, big man with his knowledge