I love the Far Side reference. Most of my "on the can" dances are in search of Calvin and Hobbes as of late–something about having kids that has unearthed new tones from that comic.
Absolutely enjoy Bug Comic and have been watching daily for a few months now. Thank you for breaking my day in the right way!
Was first when I stated due to the moderation of my comment( and those made before me). If you are going to try to be picky; at least consider all possibilities.
I think there's a whole 4 panels in it, discussing the etiquette of notifying someone of your presence while they're listening to their iPod, vacuuming, etc.!
heehee… my preferred "on the can" reading is Mouse Guard… cause, I can't bring the desktop, and consequently, Bug along with me. (curses the recent lack of laptop.)
oh. my. god. i thought i was the only one to do the last panel. also, i must be surrounded by my brethren because foxtrot, far side, and calvin and hobbes are all in my top 10 best comics of all time.
Haha! I've pushed that last one to the very limit. I always feel so very defeated when I have to give in and run for the can without a book. Even if I'm only in there for thirty seconds, its the book that *makes* the experience, ya know?
I usually sit on the can for an extraordinarily long time at new houses I visit if they have reading materials handy… I hope they don't think I'm doing anything else…
I used to get in trouble frequently as a child for hogging the bathroom…especially at my grandparents’ house, as they only had one bathroom. But they kept a whole basket of Reader’s Digests in there!
The last one is the reason I buy the newspaper. Seriously, it is not hygienic to use electronic devices while going #1 or #2. I prefer to be able to throw out the newspaper plus I can use the old paper for painting projects. I paint a lot of stuff myself. I know I am the last person to still read a newspaper but it is very satisfying and I never have to hunt a bookshelf for that one book that I want to read in the “library”, instead I can read the paper.
Oh man, I hear ya on that last one.
I love the Far Side reference. Most of my "on the can" dances are in search of Calvin and Hobbes as of late–something about having kids that has unearthed new tones from that comic.
Absolutely enjoy Bug Comic and have been watching daily for a few months now. Thank you for breaking my day in the right way!
I have every calvin and hobbes book. all 17 or 18
i have done all these lol….oh just cause i can FIRST
You mean 3rd. If your gonna fail, fail correctly.
Was first when I stated due to the moderation of my comment( and those made before me). If you are going to try to be picky; at least consider all possibilities.
No, you spelled "plague" incorrectly, so you failed twice.
Love that Saturday Night Fever bug! Much cooler than Travolta ever was.
… which isn't saying much, IMHO, but yeah, Bug Travolta is awesome!
Last panel: been there, done that. Lately it's been trying to figure out which FoxTrot book I haven't read recently.
They say tapdancing was invented by an arab guy with 12 wives and one toilet..
I have done the 2nd panel many a time, lol! Especially when they touch your shoulder or arm too.
I think there's a whole 4 panels in it, discussing the etiquette of notifying someone of your presence while they're listening to their iPod, vacuuming, etc.!
That first one, the saturday night bug, would make an awesome avatar…
You did that minutes after posting?
Speaking of which, Adam should make some bug avatars, bug wallpapers to download.
Indeed… I posted it and thought… well… Lets just do it then!
The ipod one ALWAYS happens to me when walking the dog.
I have done all three, but number 3 happens all the time…. BECAUSE I'M LOOKING FOR A COMIC BOOK TO READ ON THE CAN!
Cruise control? *sigh*
I would totally go for some bug wallpapers…. though they wouldn't be too hard for a casual artist to make.
And we Have another winnar!
heehee… my preferred "on the can" reading is Mouse Guard… cause, I can't bring the desktop, and consequently, Bug along with me. (curses the recent lack of laptop.)
Ever done the 'Oh God I'm late' dash. It requires looking for your car keys.
That's when I get most of my best reading done; on "The Can" =D
Oh. Emm. Gee. I've done the last panel more then once Elle Oh Elle. Third one is a classic dance move in my corner of the world.
LOL whats awesome is i read this right after reading far side gallery 5 on the john. Epic coincidence.
Love today's strip! I can totally relate:)
oh. my. god. i thought i was the only one to do the last panel. also, i must be surrounded by my brethren because foxtrot, far side, and calvin and hobbes are all in my top 10 best comics of all time.
Panel two and three are marvelous!
Ninja ice like to hide under snow.
it will split your crotch if you don't know
Maybe the Far Side book is already in the can. You never know. Mighta left it there last time.
Great job on the Travolta Bug – you got the posture down perfectly!
Haha! I've pushed that last one to the very limit. I always feel so very defeated when I have to give in and run for the can without a book. Even if I'm only in there for thirty seconds, its the book that *makes* the experience, ya know?
I usually sit on the can for an extraordinarily long time at new houses I visit if they have reading materials handy… I hope they don't think I'm doing anything else…
I used to get in trouble frequently as a child for hogging the bathroom…especially at my grandparents’ house, as they only had one bathroom. But they kept a whole basket of Reader’s Digests in there!
I normally look up something on my Ipod Touch then go sit.
Saturday Night Live? That is so you, Adam.
The last one is the reason I buy the newspaper. Seriously, it is not hygienic to use electronic devices while going #1 or #2. I prefer to be able to throw out the newspaper plus I can use the old paper for painting projects. I paint a lot of stuff myself. I know I am the last person to still read a newspaper but it is very satisfying and I never have to hunt a bookshelf for that one book that I want to read in the “library”, instead I can read the paper.