Panel 1 – they’re not actually sitting. I’ve never been “that guy” before. But…there it is. Panel 2 kills. “Bad News” as opposed to “Good News”. And the “devil sign” with the tongue hanging out. Dude…that’s just hilarious.
What would Grampa Devil be like? Pulls a chunk of brimstone from behind your ear? Tells you that back in his day getting someone to sign away their soul required more than just clicking “I agree” on the Microsoft EULA?
I’ve heard of it going the other way than Panel 2: “Would you like to hear the good news about salvation?” “Sorry, I’m busy sacrificing a goat to Beelzebub in the basement.”
Democrats evangelize on the oppressed – oppressers argument (the arnold kling “progressive spectrum disorder” )
Republicans evangelize on the budget – services argument (the arnold kling “conservative spectrum disorder”)
the Educated evangelize on the Constitution – repression argument (the arnold kling “libertarian spectrum disorder”)
(realists ignore argument . they look at campaign contributions and votes of funds to contributors. realists have no one to argue to. they toil completely alone. there is a slim market for the truth.
Panel 2! Panel 2!!
Something about Bug’s tongue hanging out, especially with the hand signs, is just slide-under-the-desk-trying-not-to-laugh funny!
But the whole comic is awesome…
The artwork told me the Panel 1 bugs were satanists before I read the text box above the artwork. Now that there is what great artwork does.
they probobly just go signing in drunk peoples, its preaty efective
This message looks a bit drunk… personal experience?
But what’s their enticement to join – “you’ll never have to worry about global warming. HA HA HA! Oops sorry manical laughter is de rigour.”
Panel 1 – they’re not actually sitting. I’ve never been “that guy” before. But…there it is. Panel 2 kills. “Bad News” as opposed to “Good News”. And the “devil sign” with the tongue hanging out. Dude…that’s just hilarious.
Ha! Totally spaced that. I drew this at 2:00 in the morning so I was a little out if it at the time.
I’d be mighty impressed had you managed to draw that at 2 AM in the afternoon.
I always thought Kanye was the spawn of the devil.
Does that make North the devil’s granddaughter?
What would Grampa Devil be like? Pulls a chunk of brimstone from behind your ear? Tells you that back in his day getting someone to sign away their soul required more than just clicking “I agree” on the Microsoft EULA?
^this! hahahahahahahaha
Heh… I usually say “Thanks for nothin’, Kanye” without listening to his stuff backwards.
Well, it can’t be worse than listening to it forwards, can it?
I’ve heard of it going the other way than Panel 2: “Would you like to hear the good news about salvation?” “Sorry, I’m busy sacrificing a goat to Beelzebub in the basement.”
Is it just me or are christians like just about the only group that evangelizes ?
Democrats evangelize on the oppressed – oppressers argument (the arnold kling “progressive spectrum disorder” )
Republicans evangelize on the budget – services argument (the arnold kling “conservative spectrum disorder”)
the Educated evangelize on the Constitution – repression argument (the arnold kling “libertarian spectrum disorder”)
(realists ignore argument . they look at campaign contributions and votes of funds to contributors. realists have no one to argue to. they toil completely alone. there is a slim market for the truth.
Muslims evangelize with a sword and AK47.
Ha. Good one.
I guess they don’t really need to satanize at all cause society is doing pretty damn well on its own to serve satan without even trying 
Its like those “Cthulu 2016” bumper stickers, why choose the lesser evil?
I can accurately say, that is exactly what we do,
Shouldn’t this be devil-worshippers instead of satanists? Since they’re two different things.
Panel 2! Panel 2!!
Something about Bug’s tongue hanging out, especially with the hand signs, is just slide-under-the-desk-trying-not-to-laugh funny!
But the whole comic is awesome…
The artwork told me the Panel 1 bugs were satanists before I read the text box above the artwork. Now that there is what great artwork does.