So many visions of afterlife, and no one ever told me which is the official one.
That’s why I’m actually afraid to die: I’m afraid that everything I knew about afterlife turned out to be a lie and I spend an eternity in darkness and silence. That would totally suck.
I heard a funny story a while ago about a D&D village populated with dead people who died in such embarrassing ways that they refused to go to heaven for fear of getting laughed at.
Discussion (28) ¬
Also Hehehehe on the impacted fart! Guess he gets no play in Heaven!
No pass, no play?
I think the impacted fart was a reference to this comic, where the cool bug had to hold it in for a week:
Haha, the 4th panel is the best! Another awesome comic! also, i gotta say it… FIRST!
Douche-bag bug died from pushing out an impacted fart. Awesome!
Hahaha Just casually leaning on a cloud, I love your attention to detail Adam
That’s gotta be the most embarrassing way to die possible.
Also, God’s holding out his finger. does he want the other guy to pull it?
“missle”? Apart from that: another great comic, Adam
Aw crap! You’re right. Good catch. Will fix.
Using God as an wingman. Well done
I need to be be more careful with my farts.
Good to see I’m not the only one who went to the operating table for an impacted fart! XD
(As Frances said I think you spelled “Missile” wrong.)
Every panel made me laugh out loud. Now my coworkers probably think I’m crazy. Oh well.
Note to self: God is not a good road-trip buddy, OR wing-man. Starting to make a list, here.
“Icky” is the new “mortally wounded”
Its the bug from a week ago!
Guess holding in farts for over a week can be deadly
Actually, I think it’s your LIFE that was your crime.
Got my bug fix for the day. As usual, good job Adam
The thing about this webcomic is that a lot of the jokes are bland and not funny, but the way the strip works it becomes funny.
It’s like Airplane.
Winged wingman, haha.
Loved the little nod to Gene Wilder’s Willy Wonka!
At first read I thought glasses-bug in panel three was saying he died riveting, and I was trying to figure out how he pulled that off.
So many visions of afterlife, and no one ever told me which is the official one.
That’s why I’m actually afraid to die: I’m afraid that everything I knew about afterlife turned out to be a lie and I spend an eternity in darkness and silence. That would totally suck.
I heard a funny story a while ago about a D&D village populated with dead people who died in such embarrassing ways that they refused to go to heaven for fear of getting laughed at.