Awesome. You also forgot permanent tans too. (just right category maybe?) Its funny, I have a couple albino friends, and I actually do turn white when I'm sick (or haven't slept).
xD. Nice. In my last year of high school there was an anonymous article written in my school's paper entitled "Attack of the Oranges". Advice was given to avoid them at all costs, and suspicions that they might be radioactive. Needless to say the people that this applied to were outraged. It was pretty awesome.
Haha, I've had worried friends ask me if I might have amenia. I tried tanning once and lasted about five minutes before going inside to do something more interesting.
I always say "feather" Indians or "dot" Indians… And I'm a feather Indian. XP My skin's weird. I look kind of Asian in the winter because I lose my tan and my eyes are almond shaped, but in the summer I turn super dark and have been mistaken for Hawaiian.
I'm pretty close to naturally-oompa-loompa, especially in the summer. It's even more noticeable when I wear light-colored clothing or stand near the just-right tan people and leftwards.
Haha I once had to have "visible make up" applied once, for a church camp game/activity. They tried lip gloss, didn't work, put on bronzer on my cheeks, stepped back and said "oh my god". Yeah…I'm kinda white.
Yeah, I’d rather be too pale (like creepy pale) than have a fake tan. But I personally don’t see why skin-tone matters to people. I mean, how dark or light your skin doesn’t really have that significant of an effect on your attractiveness. So why even care? It’s like symmetry or curves or anything.
Discussion (43) ¬
XXDD Pure genius. I have a friend who is constantly mistaken for albino, and I've never sunburnt, so we look rather odd next to each other.
=D I'm glad I'm not the only person who thinks over-tanned people look like they've bathed in Cheeto dust.
I don't think that there's anybody who DOESN'T think that. Unless they've never heard of Cheetos.
You also forgot permanent tans too. (just right category maybe?) Its funny, I have a couple albino friends, and I actually do turn white when I'm sick (or haven't slept).
xD. Nice. In my last year of high school there was an anonymous article written in my school's paper entitled "Attack of the Oranges". Advice was given to avoid them at all costs, and suspicions that they might be radioactive. Needless to say the people that this applied to were outraged. It was pretty awesome.
I'm not tanned… I'm brown
Haha, I've had worried friends ask me if I might have amenia. I tried tanning once and lasted about five minutes before going inside to do something more interesting.
Some "Oompa Loompas" are the result of artificial spray tanning (which never, ever looks good.)
I'm the 'I'm too pale' guy.
During winter, I'm just right. In summer, between indoors and out, I look like both too little and too much.
please don't ask how, it just happens
How 'bout the category just before "none" the anti-tan. This one actually suck away any available light away. Sort of a human black-hole.
That's Goth.
My buddy has that, he's gray
heck you poor souls. I was born tanned, and have been told its just right, eventho I feel its a tad too dark
so i guess i know where I go!
My Albedo is the somewhere between desert sand and ocean ice…
Tans look delicious when they're natural. Jus' sayin.
Big ball in the sky did not like me at all this weekend. Got sunburned a little on my face and got heat exhaustion.
I usually end up with a farmer's tan, rarely burn, rarely pale.
I have arctic camouflage! lol
Well, Indians don't need a tan but they get tanned anyways. So..everyone ends up looking like oompa loompa here. O_o
P.S:Am not talking about the Red Indians.
I always say "feather" Indians or "dot" Indians… And I'm a feather Indian. XP My skin's weird. I look kind of Asian in the winter because I lose my tan and my eyes are almond shaped, but in the summer I turn super dark and have been mistaken for Hawaiian.
In high school one of my friends was so white she looked kind of blue.
I just feel like being that nitpicker who pisses everyone off – considering that it's a penguin, it would have to be -Antarctic- camouflage.
It's a penguin on holiday.
I'm pretty close to naturally-oompa-loompa, especially in the summer. It's even more noticeable when I wear light-colored clothing or stand near the just-right tan people and leftwards.
If that isn't the cutest, armless penguin I've ever seen… <3
So, the pile of charred remains in the last panel is the victim of some kid with a magnifying glass?
Skin cancers are God's way of hinting you should have spent more time in front of a computer and less time outside.
(For the purpose of this comment, yes, they are mutually exclusive. shut up.)
I love how your comics are almost always about real things, stuff we actually think about, etc.
I've seen "otherworldy" people. Orange tans are taking it too far.
You forgot to put the "Jersey shore" category.
Seriously, those guys look like carrots with hair.
I'm unable to tan….. I just turn a lovely shade of pink.
Haha I once had to have "visible make up" applied once, for a church camp game/activity. They tried lip gloss, didn't work, put on bronzer on my cheeks, stepped back and said "oh my god". Yeah…I'm kinda white.
In the winter I become the Arctic Camouflage guy. In the summer I become Just Right Guy.
I’ve been accused of having glow-in-the-dark legs.
Haha, I actually have anemia so I’m the 2nd option.
I’m quite happy with my pasty paleness. = )
Tanned people gross me out, especially the artificially done ones in the Too Much category. I’m good if it’s natural skin tones.
Yeah, I’d rather be too pale (like creepy pale) than have a fake tan. But I personally don’t see why skin-tone matters to people. I mean, how dark or light your skin doesn’t really have that significant of an effect on your attractiveness. So why even care? It’s like symmetry or curves or anything.
Sorry, I mean not like symmetry or curves. Symmetry’s pretty important in terms of attractiveness.
Sorry, but the Arctic doesn’t have penguins, that would be the Antarctic.
I don’t tan at all, and I’ve actually been told I could blend into snow. So naturally, I live in Southern California.
Cool, I have arctic camouflage!
My arms are in the “too much” category.
The rest of me is in “too little”.
I call them “The Amazing Color-Changing Arms!”