"Hasta la phonics" ROFL
Yeah, I normally don't laugh at my own jokes but "Hasta La Phonics" cracked me up. It's just so stupid.
stupid funny is best kind of funny =D (i tried to explain this concept to my cousin… he didn't get it)
I LOVE THIS! My favorite phrase now.
LOL-o-meter: +9000
Eat cash hobo…classic…
Oh come on… Everybody knows you only hunt hobos with gasoline and matches.
LOL…I love today's strip
I want to be an illiteracy hunter!
so… a teacher? right?
And then the peace treaty was formed between the Illiteracy Hunters and the Grammar Nazis.
I giggled at every frame…even the Captain Morgan stance on the crocodile. Love this one!
I love the face of the illiterate bug in that last panel.
Super solutions, I say. Now we must invent guns that shoot things other than bullets. Solve SO MUCH shit..
The fingerless gloves on the hobo are a nice touch!
ha! eat cash hobo. Adam Huber, your a genius.
Why isn't this comic in my newspaper????? It would balance out "The Family Circus"
haha kudos
… or people having sex when they'll regret it later.
What would he shoot them with?
Well, there's always Gramma's perfume…
Cash grenades are awesome… also, i'll imagine a scene like
*guy throws bomb*
walks away like a badass in cliche movie scenes you can go without
putting on sunglasses
"hasta la phonics, baby."
"Hasta phonics, baby."
Brilliant, and there are so many possibilities.
"Call me Ishmael, Bitch."
"It was the best of times. It was–well, you'll have to find out the rest for yourself, won't you?"
Tosses a copy of the Diary of Anne Frank: "Read it and weep, punk."
I've laughed at almost every strip I've read so far.
But this… this made me laugh so hard I accidentally pushed my laptop off of the bed and it fell to the floor.
So since my computer is still functioning I knew I had to comment.
I commend you sir! And I applaud your humor!
You are freaking awesome.
Thanks, man! Glad your computer is OK, but I love that the strip provoked that reaction.
“Hasta La Phonics, Baby!” Lol sounds like something Bruce Cambell would say in Army of Darkness.
I’m not a hobo…. but I would love with someone threw cash at me!
I sit here reading the comic eating an oreo. *looks over shoulder*…
I hope no hunter blows the oreo out of my hand.
Nobody is talking about the fat kid joke, because I think we’re all ashamed… lol
I wish this is true, and also, they should hunt laziness. I just came home from Disney World, and DADGUMMIT I saw a lotta’ kids my age in a stroller. (I beith 10)
Cripes, this person is at least 17 by now.
14, sorry.
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"Hasta la phonics" ROFL
Yeah, I normally don't laugh at my own jokes but "Hasta La Phonics" cracked me up. It's just so stupid.
stupid funny is best kind of funny =D (i tried to explain this concept to my cousin… he didn't get it)
I LOVE THIS! My favorite phrase now.
LOL-o-meter: +9000
Eat cash hobo…classic…
Oh come on… Everybody knows you only hunt hobos with gasoline and matches.
LOL…I love today's strip
I want to be an illiteracy hunter!
so… a teacher? right?
And then the peace treaty was formed between the Illiteracy Hunters and the Grammar Nazis.
I giggled at every frame…even the Captain Morgan stance on the crocodile. Love this one!
I love the face of the illiterate bug in that last panel.
Super solutions, I say. Now we must invent guns that shoot things other than bullets. Solve SO MUCH shit..
The fingerless gloves on the hobo are a nice touch!
ha! eat cash hobo. Adam Huber, your a genius.
Why isn't this comic in my newspaper????? It would balance out "The Family Circus"
haha kudos
… or people having sex when they'll regret it later.
What would he shoot them with?
Well, there's always Gramma's perfume…
Cash grenades are awesome… also, i'll imagine a scene like
*guy throws bomb*
walks away like a badass in cliche movie scenes you can go without
putting on sunglasses
"hasta la phonics, baby."
"Hasta phonics, baby."
Brilliant, and there are so many possibilities.
"Call me Ishmael, Bitch."
"It was the best of times. It was–well, you'll have to find out the rest for yourself, won't you?"
Tosses a copy of the Diary of Anne Frank: "Read it and weep, punk."
I've laughed at almost every strip I've read so far.
But this… this made me laugh so hard I accidentally pushed my laptop off of the bed and it fell to the floor.
So since my computer is still functioning I knew I had to comment.
I commend you sir! And I applaud your humor!
You are freaking awesome.
Thanks, man! Glad your computer is OK, but I love that the strip provoked that reaction.
“Hasta La Phonics, Baby!”
Lol sounds like something Bruce Cambell would say in Army of Darkness.
I’m not a hobo…. but I would love with someone threw cash at me!
I sit here reading the comic eating an oreo. *looks over shoulder*…
I hope no hunter blows the oreo out of my hand.
Nobody is talking about the fat kid joke, because I think we’re all ashamed… lol
I wish this is true, and also, they should hunt laziness. I just came home from Disney World, and DADGUMMIT I saw a lotta’ kids my age in a stroller. (I beith 10)
Cripes, this person is at least 17 by now.
14, sorry.