Why doesn’t ANYBODY remember that Dante told us that the deepest levels of Hell are frozen solid?
So when you average it with the river of fire and the river of boiling blood, the overall temperature would be quite comfortable.
If you’re from the circle of the sowers of dissent, you’d better watch out for the giants. If you’re not careful, their enormous skates will slice you in half and save the demons the trouble.
I generally say, “I hope you get stuck having to watch M. Night Shamalan’s The Last Air Bender, The Star Wars Prequels, and Ben Afleck’s Daredevil in Hell”
Well, the prequels will never be as good as the original trilogy, but they shouldn’t be lumped with The Last Airbender on any level. Daredevil wasn’t awful, but it was quite unbearable to watch.
Btw, as an atheist, I’ve got all my believer friends promising to sneak me ice water in hell (ignoring the difficulties one might associate with “sneaking” anything in that environment).
There was a New Twilight Zone(?) where the premise that hell was a very cold place (i.e. without the warmth of love).
As a fallback position, the believers are also compelled to sneak me hot cocoa too, just in case.
Take that, supernatural being who thinks She/He/It/They make da rulz!
I always get grief for saying ‘G’damn it’. But I just tell them that it would be wrong of me to suppose that anyone else would have the power to damn someone. What am i supposed to say, “Rupert damn it!”?
Bug looks cool as a cucumber in the last panel. What. A. Sir.
“OK, sir, would you like inferno or non-inferno? Ha! Just kidding, it’s all inferno, of course. -I just get a kick out of saying that.”
Ah, The Far Side. Gary Larson was a genius.
I think that demon bug has got a fetish or something.
The distance charges to Hell are probably a burn on your phone bill…
Please deposit. One. Soul. For the first minute.
Deliberately spaced out so it takes fifty seven seconds before you can deposit said soul, of course.
Why doesn’t ANYBODY remember that Dante told us that the deepest levels of Hell are frozen solid?
So when you average it with the river of fire and the river of boiling blood, the overall temperature would be quite comfortable.
Attention everyone, it’s “All skate” in the bowls of hell.
If you’re from the circle of the sowers of dissent, you’d better watch out for the giants. If you’re not careful, their enormous skates will slice you in half and save the demons the trouble.
Ah. This means, then, that I DO live in hell, since winter is just beginning again in Darkest Saskatchewan.
You know Dante’s Inferno is non-canon, right?
I had Eddie Izzard’s “cake or death” monologue running in my head all through reading this. Made it even better, if that’s possible.
We’re gonna run outta cake at this rate.
Well Milton told us that Hell features Pandemonium, the high capital of Satan and his peers.
That’s not relevant to anything, I just love that phrase.
Weeeeeeell. You know. If it’s cold enough, you can boil and burn things with the chill. So the whole “burn” thing still applies to the frozen levels…
I have no idea how to use HTML
It just looked so tempting with the instructions down there.
My thoughts on the comic?
The backrub option must save them a fortune on heating bills – and candles. Wonder if they’re scented?
Yes. They smell like eternal damnation and lavender.
What does eternal damnation smell like?
I generally say, “I hope you get stuck having to watch M. Night Shamalan’s The Last Air Bender, The Star Wars Prequels, and Ben Afleck’s Daredevil in Hell”
I know nothing about Daredevil, but don’t you lump ANY Star Wars movies with The Last Airbender. THAT schlock is in a class all its own.
Well, the prequels will never be as good as the original trilogy, but they shouldn’t be lumped with The Last Airbender on any level. Daredevil wasn’t awful, but it was quite unbearable to watch.
It’s like the Eddie Izzard Church of England question…”Cake or death?”
Btw, as an atheist, I’ve got all my believer friends promising to sneak me ice water in hell (ignoring the difficulties one might associate with “sneaking” anything in that environment).
There was a New Twilight Zone(?) where the premise that hell was a very cold place (i.e. without the warmth of love).
As a fallback position, the believers are also compelled to sneak me hot cocoa too, just in case.
Take that, supernatural being who thinks She/He/It/They make da rulz!
I always get grief for saying ‘G’damn it’. But I just tell them that it would be wrong of me to suppose that anyone else would have the power to damn someone. What am i supposed to say, “Rupert damn it!”?
Not Rupert, Rufus. Rufus damn it. Check your index on old comedy routines.
And that’s how Nerd Bug got the ability to talk to the dead.
I think my favorite line is “quite moving that candle closer”
As always, great job. Last panel especially got me.
Imagine Demon Bug telling Regular Bug his 2 options, and trying to make “Burning” sound more appealing.
Demon Bug: Okay, you can either have… *disgusted voice* Backrub, or…
Burning!! *two thumbs up*
Regular Bug: Uh… Backrub.
Demon Bug: Damn.
Hell is frozen and burning at the same time. It’s meant to be the nightmare that it is.
Dante knew nothing about it.
But you do because……?
You’d figure they’d just find a way to make the backrubs equally heinous.
I remember seeing a piece of art on a different comic site that addressed a similar topic.
It was only mildly pornographic.