Superman might not, but a WoW Shammy has most of Jesus’s powerset (water walking, resurrecting, healing, etc.) and a bit more besides (frostshaawwwk!).
Yet another attack on religion based entirely on a refusal to make any effort to understand either the text or the faith. It would be upsetting, if it weren’t so transparent as to be pathetic.
“Answered prayer” does not mean “granted wishes”, and in Christianity, temporal experiences, happiness and suffering, are ultimately seen as nothing more than brief sensations that shape the individual for eternity- wherever they choose to spend it.
True human freedom needs to be completely free to mock or disparage anyone’s belief in the supernatural because the claims of the supernatural are outside of the realm of what we CAN agree upon.
I am an atheist. Mock and belittle my godlessness all you want. It does not effect what I choose as a worldview/godview. You are free to choose your own worldview/godview in that regard.
But part of the problem is that religionists have been mollycoddledfor far too long. There was a time (and in some parts of the world still is), that the mere act of rejecting someone’s deeply held belief meant that I could be killed, tortured, imprisoned, harassed, oppressed, exiled, condemned, or otherwise sanctioned as they felt that my expression of such was an insult to their god.
Let their god damn me as She/He/It/They see fit…NOT their proxies!
“Religious apologists complain bitterly that atheists and secularists are aggressive and hostile in their criticism of them. I always say: look, when you guys were in charge, you didn’t argue with us, you just burnt us at the stake. Now what we’re doing is, we’re presenting you with some arguments and some challenging questions, and you complain.” – A.C. Grayling
As far as ancient superheroes go, I’m still a fan of Gilgamesh.
Uhm, Jesus wore a sash? I…don’t remember that particular passage.
It was predicted in Malachi 4!
In his superhero costume he ALSO wore a scarf.
LOL I had a feeling “Jesus Christ Superstar” was the title of this comic before looking at the actual title. Thank you for the undisappointment Adam!
Jesus OP, ban pls
Jesus is Mod of mods. Good luck banning him. ;p
Superman might not, but a WoW Shammy has most of Jesus’s powerset (water walking, resurrecting, healing, etc.) and a bit more besides (frostshaawwwk!).
It took me a minute to realize you didn’t mean a ShamWow. With skills like water absorbing, wiping up spills…and more!!
That’s exactly what I though he meant! I was like: geez I guess we should be worshipping a piece of cloth.
But…Superman also revived himself after his death at the hands of Doomsday(well,technically,he wasn’t dead in the first place,but still)…
Probably best not to remember that part. Definitely best not to remember when he went all fire and electric.
In the first panel I can’t help but automatically fill in a “Huzza!” above Jesus’s head.
Odd… my first thought was that I didn’t think Superman had been around that long. Trust me to focus on the unimportant details.
“I’m not normally a praying man, but if you’re up there, please save me, Superman!” ~ Homer Simpson
I’ve often felt that a lot of the so-called miracles come off like crappy parlor tricks.
God and Son, Inc. needs to step up to the “Big Time!”
Yet another attack on religion based entirely on a refusal to make any effort to understand either the text or the faith. It would be upsetting, if it weren’t so transparent as to be pathetic.
“Answered prayer” does not mean “granted wishes”, and in Christianity, temporal experiences, happiness and suffering, are ultimately seen as nothing more than brief sensations that shape the individual for eternity- wherever they choose to spend it.
I wouldn’t exactly call that an “attack.”
True human freedom needs to be completely free to mock or disparage anyone’s belief in the supernatural because the claims of the supernatural are outside of the realm of what we CAN agree upon.
I am an atheist. Mock and belittle my godlessness all you want. It does not effect what I choose as a worldview/godview. You are free to choose your own worldview/godview in that regard.
But part of the problem is that religionists have been mollycoddledfor far too long. There was a time (and in some parts of the world still is), that the mere act of rejecting someone’s deeply held belief meant that I could be killed, tortured, imprisoned, harassed, oppressed, exiled, condemned, or otherwise sanctioned as they felt that my expression of such was an insult to their god.
Let their god damn me as She/He/It/They see fit…NOT their proxies!
I do not fear their hell, just their followers.
Holy heck! Not 30 minutes before I saw this I had JUST finished listening to Cheap Trick’s Magical Mystery Tour!
That’s an awesome coincidence.
Ahh, no matter how insulting they are to The Bible, I still love your religious jokes..