Let he who is with sin judge sin for only then will compassion be found; wisdom be had; and the future secure. Rather that than a man without sin seeking to judge a man without sin with misunderstanding and bias in his eye.
@Fizzledrix: Not only can I argue against your statement but outright disprove it since there is no such thing as sin. The term sin is a result of a completely farcical set of arbitrary regulations created for the sole purpose of instilling fear, intimidation and guilt into the populace in order to more easily control the masses of docile sheep it creates. If there ever even was this jesus person in existence he was either a charlatan or a nutcase suffering from megalomania.
cuz murder totally isn’t wrong. or am i a sheep for thinking that something like murder is wrong. but hey just a sheep following a megalomaniacal nutcase. never mind that all the stuff he preaches is actually beneficial to humanity.
ps, I teach a bible study and I'm not getting "all up ons" about the comic, some of you other commenters need to calm down it's just meant to be witty not to get people riled up
I used to be a super-fan of the daily webcomic Cyanide & Happiness, but then they suggested this comic to their readers, and I have to say, SOOOOOOO much better!!!!!!!!!! (and thats saying something, I already bought two C&H plushies)
I strongly suggest that you should put the last two panels on a t-shirt, front and back, with the title "I'm friends with Jesus" or something like that, I'd buy it if I could
Ooh! Idea! Front of the shirt says “I’m friends with Jesus” across the top, and underneath it has the picture from panel 3 with no text. Then, on the back, there’s the picture from panel 4 with just the speech “balloons” (no text box), the underneath that it says “… It’s not as great as you’d think.”
Discussion (31) ¬
Jesus as a couch potato. (ha)
You can't argue with the died for your sins line.
Way I figure it, if you don't sin, then Jesus died for nothing.
wow.. never thought of it like that XD but then agian humans are incapable of not sinning. so i suppose it sorta blanced out. XD
Let he who is with sin judge sin for only then will compassion be found; wisdom be had; and the future secure. Rather that than a man without sin seeking to judge a man without sin with misunderstanding and bias in his eye.
Love the 3rd panel, "Thanks for the backhanded compliment"
i love the expression on the bug in the 4th panel..
Oh man, I thought my mother was good at making me feel guilty.
Oh yeah – last panel is the business!
I would LOVE a t-shirt featuring Jesus Bug!
This is kinda messed up–but funny.
I love the second panel.
Also, I was just in the archives and there was this ad to the side that said roaches can give you salmonella and how you should call terminex. lol
I love the 2nd panel! And totally support the Jesus Bug t-shirt idea!
Love the back of the head whap from momma bug-lmao
I love that the ad across the top right now is for a bug extermination service.
Hehe I could totally go for a Jesus bug T shirt… that would be fantastic.
@Fizzledrix: Not only can I argue against your statement but outright disprove it since there is no such thing as sin. The term sin is a result of a completely farcical set of arbitrary regulations created for the sole purpose of instilling fear, intimidation and guilt into the populace in order to more easily control the masses of docile sheep it creates. If there ever even was this jesus person in existence he was either a charlatan or a nutcase suffering from megalomania.
Back on topic: Great comic strip. Very funny.
Prove it.
Don’t it feel good to belong to the first generation that no-one will look back on and say ‘I’m glad I’m not gullible like THOSE guys’?
cuz murder totally isn’t wrong. or am i a sheep for thinking that something like murder is wrong. but hey just a sheep following a megalomaniacal nutcase. never mind that all the stuff he preaches is actually beneficial to humanity.
You can’t argue with the died for your sins line.
If you don't actively sin, then he died for nothing!
haha, you're terrible
I wish we were friends in real life I effing love your comics dude
ps, I teach a bible study and I'm not getting "all up ons" about the comic, some of you other commenters need to calm down it's just meant to be witty not to get people riled up
Cry us a river.
I used to be a super-fan of the daily webcomic Cyanide & Happiness, but then they suggested this comic to their readers, and I have to say, SOOOOOOO much better!!!!!!!!!! (and thats saying something, I already bought two C&H plushies)
Same here i kept reading sinide and happeniss on my ipod touch app then a news popped up with this so i cant get enough
The halo on Jesus’s head looks like a turban if you look at it right. It confused me in the second panel, where he doesn’t have hair for contrast.
I strongly suggest that you should put the last two panels on a t-shirt, front and back, with the title "I'm friends with Jesus" or something like that, I'd buy it if I could
Ooh! Idea! Front of the shirt says “I’m friends with Jesus” across the top, and underneath it has the picture from panel 3 with no text. Then, on the back, there’s the picture from panel 4 with just the speech “balloons” (no text box), the underneath that it says “… It’s not as great as you’d think.”