Well, I’ve never endured the wonder that is childbirth, but I HAVE had two kidney stones and a remarkable number of women I know that have had both babies and kidney stones say the stones were worse.
It felt like…being stabbed repeatedly in the back. Only thing more painful to me was my vasectomy. I had nightmares. So…I think I’ll take pretty much anything over a kick in the skittles.
But that’s just me.
Our high school water polo team was co-ed (not a lot of girls were into it back then), and I’ve had my share of being elbowed and kicked in various areas. Let me tell you… being elbowed in the areolas is paaaaiiiinful. I can’t compare to the skittles (not having any), but oh man.
A female friend was on an informal co-ed football team whose male coach told her to catch the ball by “letting it come into your chest.” When he accidentally caught one right in the skittles, she reflected that now he knew how being kicked in the areolas felt.
‘Taste the Painbow’ I just can’t wait to see the rest of the movie that one ends up in… I may even be willing to pay the outrageous price of a movie ticket to do so
Isn’t their pain scale of reference childbirth? I remember the phrase used to drive the point home with men was, “It would be like you crapping out a bowling ball.”
haha, taste the painbow. i snorted. i’m using that. don’t worry, i’ll send you a check for 5 cents in compensation
Haha, “udderly”. Took me a moment to get that one.
Won’t somebody PLEASE think of the Fallopians!?!
Nice, a whole strip just to justify finally using “taste the painbow”.
A lot of gal’s on Tumblr complain of having their ovaries exploded. Not sure if it’s the same though.
Oh, dear God, Adam …. What’s next? Meditations on the Wisdom of Rainier Wolfcastle?
Oh dear lord, the puns.
Yeah, there’s a girl at my school who compared a lot of things to being punched in the boob or kicked in the uterus.
Taste the Painbow and Udderly Horrible. Both = awesomeness!
I’ve been kicked in the cashews-not pretty! And cashews are my favorite to eat. ummmm the nut kind
Which would you prefer to endure? A kick in the skittles, or childbirth?
Us gals don’t need colorful euphemisms to express pain.
Well, I’ve never endured the wonder that is childbirth, but I HAVE had two kidney stones and a remarkable number of women I know that have had both babies and kidney stones say the stones were worse.
It felt like…being stabbed repeatedly in the back. Only thing more painful to me was my vasectomy. I had nightmares. So…I think I’ll take pretty much anything over a kick in the skittles.
But that’s just me.
Our high school water polo team was co-ed (not a lot of girls were into it back then), and I’ve had my share of being elbowed and kicked in various areas. Let me tell you… being elbowed in the areolas is paaaaiiiinful. I can’t compare to the skittles (not having any), but oh man.
Adam, you so punny!
A female friend was on an informal co-ed football team whose male coach told her to catch the ball by “letting it come into your chest.” When he accidentally caught one right in the skittles, she reflected that now he knew how being kicked in the areolas felt.
If you watch soccer, male and female players about to receive a penalty kick will hold their hands protectively over different parts of the body.
‘Taste the Painbow’ I just can’t wait to see the rest of the movie that one ends up in… I may even be willing to pay the outrageous price of a movie ticket to do so
Pun -overload. EXPLODE, EXPLODE
No, we say it’s like being elbowed in the boob.
Isn’t their pain scale of reference childbirth? I remember the phrase used to drive the point home with men was, “It would be like you crapping out a bowling ball.”
One of my friends used to use a similar simile, “like getting kicked in the taco.”
You’re Punny.
I should punish you for it. You’re too punny.
Getting “licked in the areolas” is better. Well, *I* like it better.
It’s kind of odd how there’s like a gazillion words for boy bits and almost none for girly bits.
Note to self: Never be drinking anything when reading the first panel.