Well, X-Ray and heat(infra-red rays) are both electro-magnetic waves, so he can see above human’s visible spectrum and its not too much of extra function.
Radio waves are similar, he can theoretically watch analogue TV, radio with his eyes if that’s the case.
so I’d say if he got the correct decoder installed, he can watch youtube videos, digital TV, and cable TV.
Someone need to get him to pay the bills.
Yes. And used for anyone with superspeed who doesn’t have a mask, really. I don’t know why people in the comic book universe can’t recognize their friend just because he’s vibrating.
Yes — my friends and I jokingly refer to this superpower as “Great-Wall-of-China-rebuilding vision,” as if it’s a power that some superheroes have while others do not.
There’s a thread that talks about it a bit at length here:
Maybe he’s also… PS-EYE-CHIC?
…I’m so sorry.
And, you should be!
You mean all along Superman is actually eye-vil?
Well, X-Ray and heat(infra-red rays) are both electro-magnetic waves, so he can see above human’s visible spectrum and its not too much of extra function.
Radio waves are similar, he can theoretically watch analogue TV, radio with his eyes if that’s the case.
so I’d say if he got the correct decoder installed, he can watch youtube videos, digital TV, and cable TV.
Someone need to get him to pay the bills.
SShhhh! If the TV/internet providers hear you they’ll want to bill him for the content he could theoretically be watching.
This is what secret identities are for, to avoid paying for damages and cable.
Look! Up in the sky! It’s… it’s… Superbug!
And very well drawn too, Adam.
Agreed – I love the design of Superbug!
So much to like here. The spitcurl on SMan. Superman’s Pal, Jimmy Olsen bug. A bug LL’s in SMan’s life. Bug Perry White complete with cigar.
That’s a new super power. The ability to smell when smoking a cigar.
I wonder if this can be the place where we can decide: Batman-bug or Superman-bug?
Adam hasn’t drawn Batman-bug yet, has he? I can’t remember.
I recall a couple:
Haha thank you, those are great comics too.
Don’t forget his halloween one
I read the batbug strip too late and didn’t want to comment on it when the last one was like half a year ago when I read it.
The third panel, I first read it as “or I will throw a major (law)suit”.
Don’t forget his telescopic vision. He could be watching Mexican soap operas from his Fortress of Solitude!
Wouldn’t the curvature of the earth get in the way, or does he watch the satilites?
Don’t forget that he uses a type of Super Hypnosis to convince people that he looks completely different without his glasses!
supposedly he vibrates really fast and it confuses people.
I know, I don’t buy it either.
Isn’t that also the excuse used for the golden age Flash (the one without a mask)?
Yes. And used for anyone with superspeed who doesn’t have a mask, really. I don’t know why people in the comic book universe can’t recognize their friend just because he’s vibrating.
Check it out–he parts his hair on the other side, switching back when he’s CK.
Let’s not forget the infamous scene in Superman 4 where he rebuilds the Wall of China by looking at it.
Yes — my friends and I jokingly refer to this superpower as “Great-Wall-of-China-rebuilding vision,” as if it’s a power that some superheroes have while others do not.
There’s a thread that talks about it a bit at length here:
Jimmy-bug. <3
Do you think he has mindscape vision?