I hate it most when you're about to sneeze and there are no tissues around you so you have to run through several rooms to get to a box and once you're there the sneeze just goes away.
This is actually in response to yesterday's comic… As one of Adam's TWO pregnant sisters, I'd just like to say that Adam better not hate babies! He's got 2 new ones coming in September. Just ask niece #1… uncle Adam is fun.
it's like listening to someone play a C scale on the piano but they leave out
the last one or two notes.
You're standing there on the verge of screaming COME ON GET IT OVER WITH! GOD DAMMIT!
then it is such a relief when you finally do sneeze! you're like FINALLY! then three seconds later another "half-sneeze" hits (but doesn't finish) you….
Ooh, ooh, here’s one: if you put your thumb and middle finger just in the entrance of your nose and hum, it makes your nose itch. Another tool you can use in this process to amplify a tickle is to gently inhale through the nose. I just used these two tactics in concert to sneeze, from a cold start.
Bless you, Bug.
Loved the second panel.
You can put a thin piece of paper up your nose and wriggle it a little. Sneeze garantueed :-).
My nose is watering now, no sneeze. Thanks a lot. I want my money back.
I think if bugs response to bug girlfriend was transposed in panel two and four it would another rather funny set of sneeze humour
This week's had plenty of good stuff. I started a Reddit for Bug: I could use some help posting on it.
I knew I couldn't be the only one who hated it when this happens. Thank you, Bug.
Ha..ha..ha..ur the best…:)
awesome^^, but i thought for sure you'd make a Canada day joke :/
I hate it most when you're about to sneeze and there are no tissues around you so you have to run through several rooms to get to a box and once you're there the sneeze just goes away.
This is actually in response to yesterday's comic… As one of Adam's TWO pregnant sisters, I'd just like to say that Adam better not hate babies! He's got 2 new ones coming in September. Just ask niece #1… uncle Adam is fun.
lol wife bug seems very disatisfied with all of bugs actions
damn I'm laughing so hard at this comic. Bloody good stuff
this happens to me all the time!
it's like listening to someone play a C scale on the piano but they leave out
the last one or two notes.
You're standing there on the verge of screaming COME ON GET IT OVER WITH! GOD DAMMIT!
then it is such a relief when you finally do sneeze! you're like FINALLY! then three seconds later another "half-sneeze" hits (but doesn't finish) you….
#4 happened to me once. Luckily it wasn't in a public place, but I did spill a record of 5 glasses of wine..
When you feel a sneeze coming on, look straight up. It will cause you to sneeze almost all the time. No more missed sneezes!
Yep! Basking in that germ-packed shower is hella fun
Sao trruueeeeeeee
I really used to hate this but I learned that if you look into a bright light, it makes you sneeze. It works every time for me!
Hahahah this is so true!
DUDE! That happened WHILE I WAS WAITING FOR THIS COMIC TO LOAD! Well… except the baseball bat and the ruined date… still LOL!
Ooh, ooh, here’s one: if you put your thumb and middle finger just in the entrance of your nose and hum, it makes your nose itch. Another tool you can use in this process to amplify a tickle is to gently inhale through the nose. I just used these two tactics in concert to sneeze, from a cold start.