Valentines day isn't really catching on in my country. Newspapers normally write about it a bit, but that's all. So I'm having a cup of coffee and hear my co-worker go through his annual rave about how it's some bollocks dreamed up by florists and candy vendors. "My wife says she doesn't care, but you just know that isn't true and then I look like a bad guy for not bringing her flowers even though she thinks it's a joke, blah, blah, angry mumble, cursing, stupid florists..". As always I just semi-ignore it and mumble "yeah, that's too bad" without really paying attention and then he drops a gem. Without altering his voice, still just going in that angry-old-fart-mumbling-goddammit-mode he says "..and it's not like we don't celebrate it either, today I took my shoes off before kicking her.." and I was like "sure, sure.. hey what?!?" and looked up from the newspaper and there he was with a huge grin on his face..
i can counter the last one, regardless of any situation i instantly retaliate "Are you really that insecure about yourself? look your beautiful, charming and intelligent, but your emotions are guiding you poorly, do not be so quick to trust feeble thoughts that are not true, i love you so don't you ever worry"
of course i mean any situation were i can use words like that, some wordplay is needed for the correct situation, but words like that often make anyone mold like putty in your hand, men and women, (note do not use beautiful if your significant other is a man, its more disturbing then gratifying)
I've just finished reading your archive and I have to say yours is the best webcomic out there. I'm from Brazil and your sense of humor and amusingly different point of view of the mediocre is universal! Keep on the good work!
I'm a girl who can say, I freaking hate Valentine's day. It's a consumer-driven "holiday" that puts the pressure on guys to spend oodles of money on one silly night. I'd rather have romantic gestures spread out through the whole year, and a tacit agreement to not celebrate V-day.
You had me till the last panel. I really don't find the "women are stupid/women don't think/women are not as rational as men" stereotypes very funny. Come on, you can do (and alway do!) better than the insulting cheap shots.
I don't think it's playing up to a "women are stupid" stereotype, so much as the stereotype that women frequently insist that they are right even when they're wrong. Men are guilty of that too, of course, but women are more likely to win such arguments even without a coupon. It's not a question of intelligence, but stubbornness.
I agree with Chris. You cal call it a joke, you can try to cover it up with explanations but deep down, we can all these the latent mysogyny in this comic. I hate how anti-women propaganda is put in the media and passed off as humor.
It goes both ways- it's not as if it's only directed towards women. I mean, look at how men are portrayed as idiot neanderthals that can only think about sex and/or sports.
when situations get heightened, people tend to use less logic as emotions crash about in their heads. In general, and in my experience, women tend to get to this point sooner, and over lesser things. for instance, (yes, generalizing, but if you don't generalize rules you will never get anywhere in life) if you tell a man he's fat, he'll laugh, and maybe throw a joking insult back. if you tell a woman she's fat theres a whole slew of things being thrown back, and it wont end at the end of the conversation, and emotions are higher for longer, hence less logical
I know this probably isn’t common, but I’ve always been more worried about being underweight than fat and my doctor actually agrees that I am underweight. So if a guy said that about me, I’d assume he’s an idiot who has no idea what a healthy person looks like. So I’d either not take his opinion seriously or get mad at him for being so stupid that he thinks an underweight person is fat.
I love this comic! I started reading web comics back in the 7th grade, when it became apparent to me that there was more to the internet than free porn. I have skipped around on the internet for the past few years and about a month ago i found this one. This is by far the greatest comic on the internet, the drawings are so simple and yet SO AWESOME! While the context of each panel makes me wish that one day i can shake your hand, good sir
I have been recommending this comic to all of my friends. Keep up the good work, Adam!!
Wooo yeah I agree, Adam! I hate when my girlfriend gets mad at me for forgetting Valentines Day! Who does she think I am, Superman?? Women these days, right?? So demanding! They cant expect us to remember every holiday AND their birthdays! And they are DREAMING if they think they might actually get backrub without sex! I'm only human! Who cares if she "wants to relax after work"?? I WANT SEX!! Great Comic Adam!
Agreed. My dad used to call me princess, but I’m thinking if I actually was a princess, I would all these responsibilities which would be too much pressure and I’m kind of lazy. Also I don’t mind wearing a skirt or something pink or purple. But I don’t want to have to dress up. Let me wear a T-shirt and pajama pants, that way at least can be comfortable.
Comedian Christopher Titus would probably love that last panel. He had a bit on one of his albums where he was talking about stabbing out his own eyes to show his woman he loved her.
“But if I did that I know what would happen. I’d be tapping my butt through the mall with her.”
Forgot Valentine's Day, huh, Adam?
Since he probably wrote this a few days in advance, I'd guess he remembered it….
I love his expression on panel 1.
Panel 4 is so awesomely true.
Heh, I could probably go for a coupla those inadmissible logic coupons…
I get Coupon #2 cashed in by my girlfriend all the time. And that's how I usually catch up to watching Mythbusters too.
I love the panel border design! ps. the last panel is very true.
Just printed a stack of these.
If only I had someone to give them to.
Valentines day isn't really catching on in my country. Newspapers normally write about it a bit, but that's all. So I'm having a cup of coffee and hear my co-worker go through his annual rave about how it's some bollocks dreamed up by florists and candy vendors. "My wife says she doesn't care, but you just know that isn't true and then I look like a bad guy for not bringing her flowers even though she thinks it's a joke, blah, blah, angry mumble, cursing, stupid florists..". As always I just semi-ignore it and mumble "yeah, that's too bad" without really paying attention and then he drops a gem. Without altering his voice, still just going in that angry-old-fart-mumbling-goddammit-mode he says "..and it's not like we don't celebrate it either, today I took my shoes off before kicking her.." and I was like "sure, sure.. hey what?!?" and looked up from the newspaper and there he was with a huge grin on his face..
Favorite Bugs-comic ever. I love the final panel.
I can relate to the back rub coupon
i can counter the last one, regardless of any situation i instantly retaliate "Are you really that insecure about yourself? look your beautiful, charming and intelligent, but your emotions are guiding you poorly, do not be so quick to trust feeble thoughts that are not true, i love you so don't you ever worry"
of course i mean any situation were i can use words like that, some wordplay is needed for the correct situation, but words like that often make anyone mold like putty in your hand, men and women, (note do not use beautiful if your significant other is a man, its more disturbing then gratifying)
Nicely said!
I've just finished reading your archive and I have to say yours is the best webcomic out there. I'm from Brazil and your sense of humor and amusingly different point of view of the mediocre is universal! Keep on the good work!
Do those coupons work with dating websites?
why are you dating a website?
BAHAHAHA @azhbugdragon
lol! I forgot about it totally!
In the word of a wise man, "It is better to give than to recieve… (except when it comes to massages)."
Oh yeah, it's Valentine's Day.
Well, dammit. Now I have to deal with this.
I'm a girl who can say, I freaking hate Valentine's day. It's a consumer-driven "holiday" that puts the pressure on guys to spend oodles of money on one silly night. I'd rather have romantic gestures spread out through the whole year, and a tacit agreement to not celebrate V-day.
Amen to that!
I cannot agree more to this.
Men are expected to be romantic for 5 minutes of the entire year, just to get some. And the flowers and candy? As if I can't buy them myself!
It's nice to know there are people who feel the same way I do.
A massage that DOESN'T lead to sex? IMPOSSIBLE!
Very true.
I love happy endings!
last two are so true
got to print off panel 3!
Panel 2. Totally.
You had me till the last panel. I really don't find the "women are stupid/women don't think/women are not as rational as men" stereotypes very funny. Come on, you can do (and alway do!) better than the insulting cheap shots.
I don't think it's playing up to a "women are stupid" stereotype, so much as the stereotype that women frequently insist that they are right even when they're wrong. Men are guilty of that too, of course, but women are more likely to win such arguments even without a coupon. It's not a question of intelligence, but stubbornness.
I agree with Chris. You cal call it a joke, you can try to cover it up with explanations but deep down, we can all these the latent mysogyny in this comic. I hate how anti-women propaganda is put in the media and passed off as humor.
It goes both ways- it's not as if it's only directed towards women. I mean, look at how men are portrayed as idiot neanderthals that can only think about sex and/or sports.
when situations get heightened, people tend to use less logic as emotions crash about in their heads. In general, and in my experience, women tend to get to this point sooner, and over lesser things. for instance, (yes, generalizing, but if you don't generalize rules you will never get anywhere in life) if you tell a man he's fat, he'll laugh, and maybe throw a joking insult back. if you tell a woman she's fat theres a whole slew of things being thrown back, and it wont end at the end of the conversation, and emotions are higher for longer, hence less logical
I know this probably isn’t common, but I’ve always been more worried about being underweight than fat and my doctor actually agrees that I am underweight. So if a guy said that about me, I’d assume he’s an idiot who has no idea what a healthy person looks like. So I’d either not take his opinion seriously or get mad at him for being so stupid that he thinks an underweight person is fat.
I love this comic! I started reading web comics back in the 7th grade, when it became apparent to me that there was more to the internet than free porn. I have skipped around on the internet for the past few years and about a month ago i found this one. This is by far the greatest comic on the internet, the drawings are so simple and yet SO AWESOME! While the context of each panel makes me wish that one day i can shake your hand, good sir
I have been recommending this comic to all of my friends. Keep up the good work, Adam!!
just kidding about the porn by the way
Wow. Thanks a lot, man!
i reached the end??? nooooo! it can't be!! now i'll have to check in once a day five days a week for more =( i shoulda slowed down my reading….
Wooo yeah I agree, Adam!
I hate when my girlfriend gets mad at me for forgetting Valentines Day! Who does she think I am, Superman?? Women these days, right?? So demanding! They cant expect us to remember every holiday AND their birthdays! And they are DREAMING if they think they might actually get backrub without sex! I'm only human! Who cares if she "wants to relax after work"?? I WANT SEX!!
Great Comic Adam!
I know!! But seriously, it is all true. Women can try to deny it, but deep down they are all princesses who think the Universe revolves around them.
>:( I would HAAAATE being a princess! All that girly clothes & responsibilities!
Agreed. My dad used to call me princess, but I’m thinking if I actually was a princess, I would all these responsibilities which would be too much pressure and I’m kind of lazy. Also I don’t mind wearing a skirt or something pink or purple. But I don’t want to have to dress up. Let me wear a T-shirt and pajama pants, that way at least can be comfortable.
The third panel is CLASSIC!
Best comic I've seen on this series yet (Zombie week always rules, but this surpassed!)
Comedian Christopher Titus would probably love that last panel. He had a bit on one of his albums where he was talking about stabbing out his own eyes to show his woman he loved her.
“But if I did that I know what would happen. I’d be tapping my butt through the mall with her.”
“You smelled that b#%@* didn’t you?”
I woulda put the scissors symbol around the dotted lines… just for effect
Technichally, you can look at someone with your mind by THINKING about them.