Today this page looks so… so… familiar? If I didn’t fall through a hole in time I’d say your readers have been bugging you enough so you went back to the old design.
And for the comic: Well, I do know Ziploc bags, but over here they are a rather rare thing. Or my parents had the same experience as you so they kept me from using them?
If I had to guess, the return to the old design is temporary while he gets the new site up and running, and he put this back up to cease complaints (which their were far too many of, by the way. I think he got the point within the first couple of days). Glad to have profile pics back though, hope those stick around.
Today this page looks so… so… familiar? If I didn’t fall through a hole in time I’d say your readers have been bugging you enough so you went back to the old design.
And for the comic: Well, I do know Ziploc bags, but over here they are a rather rare thing. Or my parents had the same experience as you so they kept me from using them?
It could be just resistance to change, but I was happily surprised by the usual style.
OH, the site! Not the Ziploc bags.
“Oh no! Ain’t no body getting me to use them devil bags!”
That’s why I only wrap food in aluminum foil, even when it makes no sense to do so. :p
*wraps his grapes in foil, individually*
Drawing characters trying to pinch a Ziploc bag closed is darn tricky.
Now imagine what great comics you could create if you didn’t spend one third of your live trying to do that!
Bug’s expression in panel 2 kills!
I can zoom in on the comic on mobile again! Yaaay! I really like being able to see all the detail.
This indeed; it was bad that my RSS reader had a better view than the old-new site.
You whippersnappers and your crazy new-fangled contraptions… In my day we had flip-fold baggies and we liked it that way… kept our dope fresh!
If all else fails lick the plastic and then melt it with a lighter.
In that last panel, she could’ve just stopped at “scotch”.
I like the ones with the built in pinchers… but I’m too cheap to buy them myself…
I feel like I should apologize for whining about the website design.
All hail the mighty random button! Huzzah!!
Is the Buy this comic button new? I don’t remember this being there before.
You don’t remember the gigantic button on the old layout?
If I had to guess, the return to the old design is temporary while he gets the new site up and running, and he put this back up to cease complaints (which their were far too many of, by the way. I think he got the point within the first couple of days). Glad to have profile pics back though, hope those stick around.