Clogged farteries are the leading cause of death after Tubuttculosis. Please help raise awareness of this terrible affliction in elevators, cars and business meetings across the nation.
Cerberus Syndrome: Leading cause of webcomic death after Real Life. Please help raise awareness of this horrible affliction in daily, weekly, and “whenever I feel like it” gag webcomics.
I so appreciate your warning of this possibility of dying. I now will add a vial of Beano to my everyday carry of suvival gear. Shlepping all the stuff around eliminates the need to work out at the gym and I can continue to be like my hero, Bert, from the Tremors movie.
Clogged farteries are the leading cause of death after Tubuttculosis. Please help raise awareness of this terrible affliction in elevators, cars and business meetings across the nation.
Don’t scare me like that! I read the first panel and thought you were turning serious on us…
Cerberus Syndrome: Leading cause of webcomic death after Real Life. Please help raise awareness of this horrible affliction in daily, weekly, and “whenever I feel like it” gag webcomics.
Will you please leave monstrous multi-headed mutts out of this? It’s called Cerebus Syndrome.
Suddenly I kind of want to chisel headstones for a living.
No refunds!
Till Death Do Us Fart.
Man that’s tenuous. Clogged farteries indeed.
Surgeon bug looks like he’s wearing a beret. I first thought he is supposed to be Frenchman bug xD
Well, I know how I’m going to die.
“My god, no! He has a fart attack!” “Oh no! Quick! We need to pressure the balance! Where is the air pump?”
“pressure the balance”. I’m so awesome.
Of course I meant “balance the pressure”.
I so appreciate your warning of this possibility of dying. I now will add a vial of Beano to my everyday carry of suvival gear. Shlepping all the stuff around eliminates the need to work out at the gym and I can continue to be like my hero, Bert, from the Tremors movie.
Oh, damn…I’ve caught up with the comics. I’m happy, but at the same time sad…now I have to wait patiently for the next comics to appear…
We’ve all been there, r0b3rt…we feel your pain. It’s worse on Fridays, but you figure out ways to get by…
I’m a little surprised that the second panel didn’t read, “I’d give it a Phew! minutes.” Ba dum dum…
Now you know why a heart problem is called an infarction.
Ah, the endlessly funny fart jokes. Why is that so?
The fart gasses & stink probably choked him/her.