Why would I miss being in an institution where assault and battery is not only legal, but encouraged, while sitting on a table is considered to be worse than genocide?
Just found your comic today and spent…. I don't know how long going through the whole archive. All I can say is, you deserve that award. I needed a bunch of hearty, immature laughs.
Nah. I thought about it a little when I was young. Just don't have that desire to get up in front of people. Besides, I prefer the anonymity drawing a comic provides.
I miss the extra free time I had when I was at school-age, but I certainly don't miss the actual lessons. Although I'm currently doing a pHD so I suppose you could say I'm still in school.
I actually burned a whole through one of my algebra books in elementary. Was kind of an "accident" though.
By the way, read through the entire archive 1 and a half times. I usually smile at a webcomic I like, but yours made me genuinely laugh out loud at least 30 different times. I'm very impressed with it, keep up the great work, it's hillarious!
I think maybe when adults say this, they mean "You'll miss the days when getting your algebra right was your biggest problem," and maybe in that sense I miss it a little. Just like you might miss getting your finger pinched between two shopping carts when you're passing a kidney stone ("I miss the day when I thought *that* was pain!"). But you know, I'd rather save my nostalgia for a good day.
As an adult, I only miss college. All the advantages of being an adult, with none of the sucky crap that goes along with actually needing to have a job…
Of course, I'm still paying off my loans, so maybe I shot myself in the foot with that one.
Was Dad Bug not in your sarcastic comic about how you're glad kids have to learn algebra because it's sooooooo useful? I wish I could actually remember the name of that strip and I'm far too lethargic to browse for it.
you have no idea how many books i have stabbed.. some of them were perfect throwing knife practice targets.. one difference .. it was mostly history not math notebooks.
i actually do miss school a lot. i miss spelling tests (which i rocked at), i miss being able to succeed without any real effort on my part, and i miss a life where my sole responsibility is to sit and passively take in information all day. i'd totally BS my way through a few more english papers to get that back.
God yes. I miss school, it sure beats getting up at 6am when it’s dark, working my ass off all day, and getting home when it’s dark, only to go to bed early so I’m not too tired to do it all again.
Same thing with being a child. I don’t miss it at all. It was one load of basically being an indentured servant to your parents. Even though my mother was relatively nice, I don’t want that.
Don't forget all the beating we used to get back in school!
Oh…god…I used to attend a catholic school run by nuns…
Why would I miss being in an institution where assault and battery is not only legal, but encouraged, while sitting on a table is considered to be worse than genocide?
Now THAT's math to be looking forward to.
I weep a lonely tear for those 7 martinis.
Awesome! this one was spot on, I love the first frame
Just found your comic today and spent…. I don't know how long going through the whole archive. All I can say is, you deserve that award. I needed a bunch of hearty, immature laughs.
Good god, and you wrote this on Groundhog Day 2011. I have six more years of this to read…
I just finished reading your archive today and I gotta say, of all the web comics I read yours has got to be the funniest.
I don't know too many who miss school, per se. Who doesn't miss having summers off, though?
I wouldn't mind having naptime back either.
"… stabbing my algebra book…" Made me LOL, or real!
Ahahaha. You are such a genius, ever think of doing stand up? Your material would be very applicable to the stage, if you got the delivery right.
Nah. I thought about it a little when I was young. Just don't have that desire to get up in front of people. Besides, I prefer the anonymity drawing a comic provides.
I've been the color mauve, but never blue. However, being mauve did take some experimentation with some funny plants.
That has to be the best adult math ever!
I totally miss having homework to do.. no, wait..
I don't miss high school (or any other school preceding it). I do, however, miss college.
I also miss school as much as I miss my last papercut. For better or for worse, though: I actually had to check the martini math. Ohhhh, I'm tired.
Is dad-bug new?
I was wondering that myself. I'm pretty sure I never drew him before.
Wish I had thought about stabbing my algebra book when I was younger!
I thought that was pretty common. Only i used a pen or a pencil instead.
You had me at "one day, when I was young, I was stabbing my algebra book, when…"
Huge congrats on the win; well-deserved!
I miss the extra free time I had when I was at school-age, but I certainly don't miss the actual lessons. Although I'm currently doing a pHD so I suppose you could say I'm still in school.
You have know been added to my favorties
I actually burned a whole through one of my algebra books in elementary. Was kind of an "accident" though.
By the way, read through the entire archive 1 and a half times. I usually smile at a webcomic I like, but yours made me genuinely laugh out loud at least 30 different times. I'm very impressed with it, keep up the great work, it's hillarious!
I love the kid dad-bug, he's just shorter… and damn did he keep his glasses for a while (unless he aways makes the same frame).
I think you miss school only if your unemployed and all the friends you had back in school have drifted away from you. like me
Love your comics, keep up the good work.
I think maybe when adults say this, they mean "You'll miss the days when getting your algebra right was your biggest problem," and maybe in that sense I miss it a little. Just like you might miss getting your finger pinched between two shopping carts when you're passing a kidney stone ("I miss the day when I thought *that* was pain!"). But you know, I'd rather save my nostalgia for a good day.
Amen to that!
i have no idea how hard i laughed when i saw dad-bug as a kid! keep up the good work!
easy way Maths
As an adult, I only miss college. All the advantages of being an adult, with none of the sucky crap that goes along with actually needing to have a job…
Of course, I'm still paying off my loans, so maybe I shot myself in the foot with that one.
haha! he has to hold up two hands to make "four".
I'd miss thinking I was the color blue, too.
how strange.
i was under the impression that I was the color blue
Dadbug looks so cool and mysterious xD
"One day, when I was young, I was stabbing my algebra book…" Thaaaaaaat's amazing!
Stabbing an Algebra book is an appropriate response to its presence.
And for what it's worth, I don't miss school AT ALL.
Was Dad Bug not in your sarcastic comic about how you're glad kids have to learn algebra because it's sooooooo useful? I wish I could actually remember the name of that strip and I'm far too lethargic to browse for it.
you have no idea how many books i have stabbed.. some of them were perfect throwing knife practice targets.. one difference .. it was mostly history not math notebooks.
I like randomly saying "Dude! I AM the color blue!" in public and seeing how many people look at me.
When i looked at the first panel, I wasn't really paying attention and I read "One day, when I was stabbing my young"
the best part was i wouldn't have been THAT surprised
i actually do miss school a lot. i miss spelling tests (which i rocked at), i miss being able to succeed without any real effort on my part, and i miss a life where my sole responsibility is to sit and passively take in information all day. i'd totally BS my way through a few more english papers to get that back.
God yes. I miss school, it sure beats getting up at 6am when it’s dark, working my ass off all day, and getting home when it’s dark, only to go to bed early so I’m not too tired to do it all again.
School was AWESOME.
Same thing with being a child. I don’t miss it at all. It was one load of basically being an indentured servant to your parents. Even though my mother was relatively nice, I don’t want that.