The climate there is a bit daunting, however. It was -93.2ºC on 2010 Aug 10, in some mountainous valley in Antarctica. That woule be -135.8º in Foreignheat. I think I’ll stick it out up here in Darkest Saskatchewan instead, thanks.
There are no indigenous people in Antarctica, but I won’t mention that, to avoid stepping on a good cartoon.
A fun trivia question is to ask which continent has the highest average level of education. Asking that right here, the answer is obvious, because virtually everyone in Antarctica is a research scientist with a PhD, but no-one ever thinks of that.
It occurs to me that I should probably clarify: a *permanent* population of 0. Apparently according to whatever it was I read, someone has to live there permanently to count as part of the population.
Nice reminiscence to Frank Zappa. It was on Apostrophé, wasn´t it?
Dunno. I’ve only heard the line referenced on an episode of MST3K.
Damn you, now I have to listen to Zappa again!
Zappa is always worth another listen.
WOOOHOOO!! A bugified penguin!
They are similar in color, though…
Take a penguin, chop off the beak, stick some antennae on it. Bam! You have one of my bugs.
And when can we expect you to start selling these to us?
Take a penguin, chop off the beak, stick some antennae on it. Bam! You have an animal cruelty lawsuit on your hands.
Sounds like “doing a budgie job on a terrier.”
Then you realize it’s waaaaaay too late until the polar bears are charging at you.
Bug doesn’t have to worry about that, because Polar Bears are in the Arctic Circle. Sorry for being that guy. Haha.
Antarctica just has LEOPARD SEALS which are JUST AS BAD.
And do not forget the birds like the Skua .. [shudder]
How fast can a seal possibly be on ice, they are only a danger in the water, and if you happen to go into the water you are dead anyways.
They can jump through a hole in the ice that you’re standing near.
Shoggoths on the other hand . . .
The climate there is a bit daunting, however. It was -93.2ºC on 2010 Aug 10, in some mountainous valley in Antarctica. That woule be -135.8º in Foreignheat. I think I’ll stick it out up here in Darkest Saskatchewan instead, thanks.
There are no indigenous people in Antarctica, but I won’t mention that, to avoid stepping on a good cartoon.
What? Oops…
Just 6.8º short of freezing yourself to death!
A fun trivia question is to ask which continent has the highest average level of education. Asking that right here, the answer is obvious, because virtually everyone in Antarctica is a research scientist with a PhD, but no-one ever thinks of that.
How do you make change for a penguin? Let’s see, a penguin is four puffins, a puffin is ten herring(s)…
I was wondering the same thing. Plus – it would be uncomfortable to sit on your wallet.
Does the penguin look put off to any one else?
Now I kind of want to make a recording of that pledge.
Yer in? Urine? Nice pun!
Not that I’m above a wee-wee joke, but that was unintentional.
Unintentional puns are the best
Adam seems to be a professional of them.
Panel 3 slayed me. Great job, Adam!
Is it just me or do the bugs look like cultists in this edition?
Hm. Maybe I should move to antarctica.
Additional fun-possibly-not-a-fact (can’t recall where I read it): Antarctica has a population of 0.
Well, one, now.
It occurs to me that I should probably clarify: a *permanent* population of 0. Apparently according to whatever it was I read, someone has to live there permanently to count as part of the population.
The more you know!
*shooting star trails a rainbow overhead*
…the hell’d that come from?