Wow. I can’t remember the last time Adam has had to resort to a callout indicating what he’s drawing (I’da guessed manwich/bugwich).
Oh, wait, I think I can:
But it’s taking me longer and longer to find things in the archive.
I sure wish Adam would implement some kind of tagging system :O
Also P3 looks like it was a blast to draw!
I love that you always post right on the nose.
“I’m sorry, it’s hard to stop” That’s what she said
Well, at least I’m not the only person whose mind went straight to the gutter in Panel 3…
+1 here!
Nice double entendre in the third panel or would that b an innuendo? Haha either way hilarious
Wow. I can’t remember the last time Adam has had to resort to a callout indicating what he’s drawing (I’da guessed manwich/bugwich).
Oh, wait, I think I can:
But it’s taking me longer and longer to find things in the archive.
I sure wish Adam would implement some kind of tagging system :O
Also P3 looks like it was a blast to draw!
Awesome comic haha
In that case, John McEnroe is the greatest sportsman ever!
I like that Scruffy-the-Janitor Bug is getting more play.
Yeah, I know that’s not who it is, but ever since someone pointed out that his voice would sound like that, I can’t shake it.
And +2 here, on the double endentre “I’m sorry, it’s hard to stop” in P-3!
haha its scruffy-the-maintenance-bug hes moving up in the bugiverse xD
If you’re not charged with assault, you’re not really as committed as you should be.
Sportsmanship is treating a game as an end in itself, not a means to an end (that end being winning). Winning is just a bonus.