Well that particular medieval weapon was originally designed to flinging cats at the enemy but it was latter determined that dead cows and large rocks were more effective flinging materials. Mind you the name still stuck, like the cat to the wall as a it mad the “Pult” sound on impact.
You can have this power, but you will have to be much fluffier, cuter aaannd.. you have to clean your butt with your tongue.
Yeah but you also would have a spine like a slinky and retractable CLAWS OF DEATH and furniture mutilation.
This assumes you don’t mind getting “pulted” pretty often. (Pulted being the verb in the phrase “I cat – a – pulted him!”
) 😉
Well that particular medieval weapon was originally designed to flinging cats at the enemy but it was latter determined that dead cows and large rocks were more effective flinging materials. Mind you the name still stuck, like the cat to the wall as a it mad the “Pult” sound on impact.
Sounds like a load of bull-ista to me.
Nicely done.
I note that everyone you draw here still looks like they HATE you…..but as you said…you want the power of people *TOLERATEING you standing on them……
They still hate it, but there’s no active opposition. Thus the difference between tolerance and approval.