I found this comic today and it became instantly one of my favourite non-story webcomics, at least as good as channelate or amazingsuperpowers.
If there will be any T-shirts in the future, sign me up. And I'll try to advertise this comic, though I annoyed some of my friends(one) to the point where they just give me that "Go die in a fire, seriously"-look. But I wont stop, not until I end up as bloody pulp dripping from the fists of Skinheads who I tried to convince to "just take a look" at this geniously piece of art.
Naming your kid, Dumbass is funny. Of course, when he gets in trouble, you can say, "If you weren't such a dumbass, we wouldn't have named you Dumbass."
Kitty is a real girl's name and I've seen a lot of Hello Kitty Online players use that in their user ids. Hell, I'm a guy and I use Kittynator in HKO.
Bill Cosby: My brother thought his name was Goddamnit and I was Jesus Christ. So one day, I'm playing out in the rain and my father yells, "Godamnit, get in here." I said to him, "But dad, I'm Jesus Christ."
A lot of the odd names I heard were from tv & movies over the years.
I've heard of some dumb names, female and male (pronounced fe-mal-eh and mal-eh), also heard of a girl named n-a (n-dash-eh) some really foolish people on this planet in my opinion.
As for your comic, I found it some time ago and have been reading it every day and I'd definitely have to say that this is one of my favorites and even to go as far to say that I'd rank it up there with Calvin and Hobbes for pure creativity and entertainment!
Worst weird name I’ve found so far was a young man who was called Hazmat. Although Leaf Greene was a bit hard to believe. I think she’d be one of those kids likely to shoot her parents, yup.
Hey look it´s Tony Piro!
Calamities of Nature, Bug and Edmund Finney’s Quest to Find the Meaning of Life are by far my top three favorite webcomics, some kind of crossover (guest comics e.g.) between those would be totally awesome.
guys, nobody is named male/female, n-a, shithead, lemonjello or what have you. i've heard them multiple places and it's always "friend of a friend" or some such. nobody actually knows any kids with these names, so stop perpetuating racially charged urban legends already (because everyone knows that's what they are); your comments make a funny comic strip very unfunny.
Actually, you're wrong. I've heard WORSE, and the source is my mother in law, neo-natal intensive care nurse and the most honest woman I know. How about Twina and Twinba (Twin A, Twin B), Maparidine, Brook Trout, Breeze and similar awful contributions. Pull the stupid racial goggles off your eyes and appreciate the humor for what it is: folks laughing at the idiocy of the human condition. Seriously, lighten up and quit looking at everything as an excuse to be offended!
Do you have a source that they aren’t real names? For example, Shithead (pronounced shu-TEED) was featured in the book Freakonomics. Same with Lemonjello.
A fellow teacher had students named Abcd (pronounced abesity) and L-a (pronounced ladasha because the dash isn't silent), I have taught Princess, King, Rhein (pronounced rain), Amazing, Virgin, Dre'Nautica, Shamir (but pronounced Shamar) and so many more I have forgotten for the moment. I honestly don't care what you name your child but at least spell it in a way that people will know how to say it. If I were an engineer I would create a machine where you say the name you want and it gives you three or four reasonable spellings to pick from.
No. Not ever. Really, the turtles, Ezio, a variant of Altair? Nope, those are awesome. Also, the turtles are named after famous renaissance artists, so that’s a bonus.
I want to be a SBN Policewoman. I have seen Lasagna, Spring Trip, Shithead, Char Lee Cole (yes they named their baby Charcoal), Lemoocher, Lemon, Precious Gift, and countless more where I work
So I just read that a guy in Egypt has named his newborn daughter "Facebook", and immediately thought of this strip. Good job I'm halfway through my second read of the archives else I might not have remembered it.
i have to say, i find it both sad and hilarious that these people had to put up with stupid parents giving their kids stupid names… but it can’t top some of the ones i heard… was a Cardinal in the church system with a last name of Sin… a urologist by the name of Richard “Dick” Tapper… and many more that i’ve read about.
Realized something… Okay, cops are the first wheel of the law, detectives/FBI agents are the 2nd, love cops are the 3rd…. AND THE SUPID BABY NAME POLICE SHALT BE THE 4th WHEEL!
Realized something… Okay, cops are the first wheel of the law, detectives/FBI agents are the 2nd, love cops are the 3rd…. AND THE STUPID BABY NAME POLICE SHALT BE THE 4th WHEEL!
Anyone who thinks that giving your child a stupid name will automatically doom them to a life of being a loser, has obviously never heard of Dweezil Zappa.
My favorite stupid name giver is George Lear, the founder of Lear Jets. He named his daughter Shanda, making her Shanda Lear. You can’t make these things up.
Discussion (75) ¬
Wish there was one of those guys for WoW character names too..
couldn't agree with you more. kinda hard to take a raid leader seriously when they have a name like Kittywhiskers.
Yeah, but imagine how demoralizing it is for the opposite faction to get pwned by someone named kittywhiskers.
I agree as well. There have been a number of times I've wanted to tell people to delete their character and give it a more creative, fantasy name.
Well hey, at least you can do the paid name change
On the other hand, I can't stand character names where you have a number of odd symbols, becomes annoying to type out
the only odd named character i have is ragezombie based off of one of these comics XD
Hey, I like my trade troll named Pedôbear!
LIttle Ferngully looks pretty handy with a gun. I guess he'd have to be, with a name like Ferngully.
I found this comic today and it became instantly one of my favourite non-story webcomics, at least as good as channelate or amazingsuperpowers.
If there will be any T-shirts in the future, sign me up. And I'll try to advertise this comic, though I annoyed some of my friends(one) to the point where they just give me that "Go die in a fire, seriously"-look. But I wont stop, not until I end up as bloody pulp dripping from the fists of Skinheads who I tried to convince to "just take a look" at this geniously piece of art.
Are these names you've actually heard?
No, but I'm willing to bet there are people out there with those names – though "Vacuum Cleaner" is probably a stretch.
Don't be too surprised! A baby boy in my country is named 'Cleavage' . Poor boy.
Naming your kid, Dumbass is funny. Of course, when he gets in trouble, you can say, "If you weren't such a dumbass, we wouldn't have named you Dumbass."
Kitty is a real girl's name and I've seen a lot of Hello Kitty Online players use that in their user ids. Hell, I'm a guy and I use Kittynator in HKO.
Bill Cosby: My brother thought his name was Goddamnit and I was Jesus Christ. So one day, I'm playing out in the rain and my father yells, "Godamnit, get in here." I said to him, "But dad, I'm Jesus Christ."
A lot of the odd names I heard were from tv & movies over the years.
I've heard of some dumb names, female and male (pronounced fe-mal-eh and mal-eh), also heard of a girl named n-a (n-dash-eh) some really foolish people on this planet in my opinion.
As for your comic, I found it some time ago and have been reading it every day and I'd definitely have to say that this is one of my favorites and even to go as far to say that I'd rank it up there with Calvin and Hobbes for pure creativity and entertainment!
Wow! Thanks!
Worst weird name I’ve found so far was a young man who was called Hazmat. Although Leaf Greene was a bit hard to believe. I think she’d be one of those kids likely to shoot her parents, yup.
agreed. i love it.
I also heard of someone named La-A
…. Maybe they were sisters…
Zagnut! Bwa-Hahahahahaha!!!
Ben Dover
STUPID BABY NAME POLICE…fantastic idea! haha
Imagine having Dick for a first and last name.
You'll have fun telling people that you're a Dick, even when you're married.
Timothy Allen Dick – later changed to Tim Allen.
He talks about the issues with his name in his book: Don't Stand Too Close To A Naked Man
Some names are not stupid, but confusing when used by both sexes. These names are known as unisex names. Examples: Chris, Shaun, Stacy and others.
I'm honestly getting sick of those names that display a good virtuous meaning, like Hope or Faith or Grace.
If your name actually is one of those no offense.
my name isn’t any of those, and I’m offended that you hate those names.
In English at least. They usually sound better in another language
"The topic is…names that will get your kids ass kicked"
"Ohh, is Kick-my-ass hungry?"
yay, Whose Line? references. ;0)
"Come here Colin….
Nice! I actually recently met a boy named Ultraviolet, no joke!
Hey look it´s Tony Piro!
Calamities of Nature, Bug and Edmund Finney’s Quest to Find the Meaning of Life are by far my top three favorite webcomics, some kind of crossover (guest comics e.g.) between those would be totally awesome.
I found this comic recently via stumbleupon. I plan on keeping up with it. Awesome strip. :]
I once knew a girl named Vrolet, named after where she was conceived.
…in the back end of her parents' Chevrolet.
100% true story.
How about the student named Shithead (shi-theed)? Liberty Bell? Crystal Ball?(All really names!)
One of my collegues had a "Lim-angelo', but it was spelled Limejello.
That's what made this strip hard to do. I knew no matter what names I came up with, real life names would be much more bizarre.
Someone came in to get dogtags made. He wanted "I love…" and then the names of his kids. They were "Princess, Gungun, and Jelly".
For one, Princess is a rich woman's little dog's name…
For two, Gungun is just wierd.
For three, I'm guessing their next kid will be named "Peanutbutter"…
I work in Military Surplus, you can put whatever you want on a tag!
How are Ms. Chastity, Ms. Immaculate, and Mr. Panty Patel. Seriously.
guys, nobody is named male/female, n-a, shithead, lemonjello or what have you. i've heard them multiple places and it's always "friend of a friend" or some such. nobody actually knows any kids with these names, so stop perpetuating racially charged urban legends already (because everyone knows that's what they are); your comments make a funny comic strip very unfunny.
Actually, you're wrong. I've heard WORSE, and the source is my mother in law, neo-natal intensive care nurse and the most honest woman I know. How about Twina and Twinba (Twin A, Twin B), Maparidine, Brook Trout, Breeze and similar awful contributions. Pull the stupid racial goggles off your eyes and appreciate the humor for what it is: folks laughing at the idiocy of the human condition. Seriously, lighten up and quit looking at everything as an excuse to be offended!
Do you have a source that they aren’t real names? For example, Shithead (pronounced shu-TEED) was featured in the book Freakonomics. Same with Lemonjello.
I know parents who let their daughter name her newborn sister. She came up with Zelda Rainbowstar and they went with it.
A fellow teacher had students named Abcd (pronounced abesity) and L-a (pronounced ladasha because the dash isn't silent), I have taught Princess, King, Rhein (pronounced rain), Amazing, Virgin, Dre'Nautica, Shamir (but pronounced Shamar) and so many more I have forgotten for the moment. I honestly don't care what you name your child but at least spell it in a way that people will know how to say it. If I were an engineer I would create a machine where you say the name you want and it gives you three or four reasonable spellings to pick from.
There was somebody in my home town that named their kid Sativa (think Cannabis sativa) and another who named their kid Areya Sunshine Anna Rose Hill.
Someone at my high school was named "Seukkyu" which is pronounced "Suck you."
We called him Sam.
Good call.
I went to school with a kid called "Jedi".
As if that wasn't bad enough, his surname was Starbuck. Poor sod.
Teacher during role call: Jedi Starbuck.
Jedi: please dont let anyone see me im not here
haha, the last panel made me laugh so much! Bug is definitely one of the funniest comics ever! ♥
"Rhein (pronounced rain)"
For your information: Rhein is a big german river, so maybe the kid is named after it.
Would Ezio, Altaira, Mario, Leanardo, Michelangelo, Donatello, Raphael, and Karen be stupid names for a baby?
No. Not ever. Really, the turtles, Ezio, a variant of Altair? Nope, those are awesome. Also, the turtles are named after famous renaissance artists, so that’s a bonus.
worst name ever: Dweezil Zappa (yes he is real for those who don't know). Friggin… I'd die if i was named Dweezil. I also know someone named Kiwi
Yeah – Frank Zappa’s kids. Moon Unit, Dweezil, Ahmet Emuukha Rodan, and Diva Thin Muffin Pigeen.
Why you should write down kids names BEFORE you hit the drugs.
I want to be a SBN Policewoman. I have seen Lasagna, Spring Trip, Shithead, Char Lee Cole (yes they named their baby Charcoal), Lemoocher, Lemon, Precious Gift, and countless more where I work
I stumbled across your webcomic, and have been reading it for the last hour. Fantastic! I love it, thank you!
So I just read that a guy in Egypt has named his newborn daughter "Facebook", and immediately thought of this strip. Good job I'm halfway through my second read of the archives else I might not have remembered it.
Where the heck was he when Nicolas Cage decided to name his kid "Kal-El"????
Biblical names are sometimes good, but stay away from Nimrod (No joke, see Genesis 10:8)
My friend and I found out that, in one official list of baby names, there is possibly the stupidest name ever conceived.
Abcde (pronounced ah-beh-ca-duh).
i have to say, i find it both sad and hilarious that these people had to put up with stupid parents giving their kids stupid names… but it can’t top some of the ones i heard… was a Cardinal in the church system with a last name of Sin… a urologist by the name of Richard “Dick” Tapper… and many more that i’ve read about.
I’m naming my first child “Metatron”. I will insist on this, and even if I am over-ruled, I will only call them that.
Wait, what, like the angel with the “cube”? Why…?
I actually kind of like the name Ferngully… though the movie could be better.
Am I the only one that thought beyonces new baby ivy blue (or is it blue ivy, I forget)
Special baby names: They seem cool until you actually have to live as guy named “Coyote”.
Put out an APB on XKCD!
Dear Stupid Baby Name Police,
You really dropped the ball when it came to Kanye and Kim.
Poor kid’s not gunna know which way to turn
Realized something… Okay, cops are the first wheel of the law, detectives/FBI agents are the 2nd, love cops are the 3rd…. AND THE SUPID BABY NAME POLICE SHALT BE THE 4th WHEEL!
Realized something… Okay, cops are the first wheel of the law, detectives/FBI agents are the 2nd, love cops are the 3rd…. AND THE STUPID BABY NAME POLICE SHALT BE THE 4th WHEEL!
SBNP would have a LOT of work here in Brazil…
Anyone who thinks that giving your child a stupid name will automatically doom them to a life of being a loser, has obviously never heard of Dweezil Zappa.
It’s actually a real thing:
My favorite stupid name giver is George Lear, the founder of Lear Jets. He named his daughter Shanda, making her Shanda Lear. You can’t make these things up.