You might be asking why did we build an army of killer robot soldiers?
Because the army asked us to, that’s why.
Why did they do that?
Because they assumed that the robots would only be attacking the humans from the other countries and not ours.
Upon reading the letter, Future Bug Child laughed himself sick, as the killer robots barely got started before achieving sentience and realizing the futility of their actions, and have remained in “childlike wonderment” mode ever since.
Haha…this is perfect timing Adam. just this morning I finished reading “Robopocalypse” by Daniel Wilson. Plenty of killer robots in that book! And the scariest part is…I could see it happening. Good strip as always, keep it up!
you are lucky, I am going on a trip for 5 weeks and that should give you time to make more of these awesome strips considering I read them all in 3 days.
Murderify, great word.
XD brilliant!! Murderify….I’ll be sure to add that to my ‘Descriptive words that aren’t words’ collection!
Nawww! Little bug gets me everytime with his cute miniature antennaes!
The day will come when the macines at Chuck E. Cheese go haywire. And when it happens, I’ll be ready…
You should so do a robot take over survival guide next!
I see Nerd Bug has perfected his cloning machine…
You should so do a robot take over survival guide next!
I wonder what Killer Robot Bug looks like?
Another reason why nerdbug should never reproduce…
Shame the kid won’t be able to watch the movies– the formats should have changed 3-4 more times by then.
You might be asking why did we build an army of killer robot soldiers?
Because the army asked us to, that’s why.
Why did they do that?
Because they assumed that the robots would only be attacking the humans from the other countries and not ours.
Upon reading the letter, Future Bug Child laughed himself sick, as the killer robots barely got started before achieving sentience and realizing the futility of their actions, and have remained in “childlike wonderment” mode ever since.
That is all I have to say.
Haha…this is perfect timing Adam. just this morning I finished reading “Robopocalypse” by Daniel Wilson. Plenty of killer robots in that book! And the scariest part is…I could see it happening. Good strip as always, keep it up!
you are lucky, I am going on a trip for 5 weeks and that should give you time to make more of these awesome strips considering I read them all in 3 days.
Otherwise I would’ve had to murder you.
Love this comic. Being a big robot fan.
You forgot to show iRobot.
I love this comic. Also, thank you for reminding me of the existence of Westworld.