Read *most* of your comics & also listened to the interview. You are awesome Adam. Reading your comics is the first thing in the morning on my agenda. Thanks for creating Bug
That nerdy bug is vicious. A few comics ago he takes out someone during a chess game, and this day it's a knife in the back. I think he had a nervous breakdown during the Fall Fashions comic..
Most mammals use urine as a way of marking territory, we seem to just use ours as an instrument of revenge, I think evolution dropped the ball on that one
The Masked Mailbox Urinate-r.
Kind of catchy.
The Un-Avenger!
I am kind of fond of the postal pisser my self
Read *most* of your comics & also listened to the interview. You are awesome Adam. Reading your comics is the first thing in the morning on my agenda. Thanks for creating Bug
Could a bug get arrested for breaking into hives?
Hahaha! It took me a second to figure out what you meant! XD
I love how the murderer is the nerdy bug with glasses.
That nerdy bug is vicious. A few comics ago he takes out someone during a chess game, and this day it's a knife in the back. I think he had a nervous breakdown during the Fall Fashions comic..
The nerdy bug is awesome. There should be a small spin-off comic just for him.
It's always the quiet ones…
i wish i was able to donate.this comic is awesome and probably the best on the internet
lol lazy lazy bug
@darzem: did you notice the large donate button on the left?
hehee avenge!!!
Most mammals use urine as a way of marking territory, we seem to just use ours as an instrument of revenge, I think evolution dropped the ball on that one
“You said the same thing when I asked you to move.” Only one last words sentence is worse than that… “I think I done crapped ma pants”
You can just imagine: “You must avenge your father not avenging me!”