It may be because of the “father” status originally. I mean his wife told him that a swan, sorry a white bull, wait it was the cable guy, no a holy ghost came along and dang, she was pregnant. Doesn’t exactly help with bonding I guess.
Like: “Oh, there’s that thing about other guys’ wifes – and my father broke that one … but still, although my father broke his own rules, I am your Messiah.”
They were not married but only betrothed. And there was no consummation. Matthew 1:18 says that she became pregnant by the Holy Spirit before she and Joseph had “come together” (nudge, nudge, wink, wink).
Nope, not married at that time. And after Mary/Joseph were married, there were siblings that we never hear about. That had to be hard. It’s bad enough to be compared to older bro/sis Greg or Marcia… can you imagine living up to older brother Jesus??
Actually, there were some childhood gospels thrown out of the Bible that feature Joseph. In one, he has a commission for a rich man to build a bed, but accidentally cuts the board too short, so little Jesus stretches it out to fit. In another, a kid bullies little Jesus and gets smote, whereupon Joseph and Mary have to have a talk with the boy — presumably one that doesn’t end up with them sent to the corn field. For some reason, the scholars assembling the final draft of the Bible decided these didn’t belong. A shame, really.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand I have a new favorite strip :p Well done!
If you’ve not already read it, check out Christopher Moore’s “Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ’s Childhood Pal.” It’s one of the best, most hilarious, most touching books I’ve ever read.
You know, this has actually always bothered me. Mary keeps getting talked about up to and after Jesus’ resurrection, but Joseph simply disappears even before Jesus starts going around making speeches and getting disciples. Did the people writing the Gospels decide he was a poorly developed character and stopped using him? Maybe the readers didn’t like him?
The gospel canon is a political result. There is also a Gospel of Thomas, a Gospel of Mary, a Gospel of Mary Magdalene, and, yes, a Gospel of Joseph, but none of these were included, for various reasons, when the New Testament canon was set. In some cases, there were good reasons for exclusion. In others, not so much. The question is only compounded by the Gospel of John, which does not match the other three. Scholars argue over why it was included, but the end result is that the NT canon is a political result.
And I was all like “What you’re talking about, the kid has like three full episodes, what with the multicolor coat and the cows and everything”. Then I thought “Did he had a child called Jesus?” Then it was “Oh, wrong book”
New Testament Chuck Cunningham Syndrome!
is that a reasonably common phrase, or has your life also been ruined?
Now THAT would be a book I’d read.
It may be because of the “father” status originally. I mean his wife told him that a swan, sorry a white bull, wait it was the cable guy, no a holy ghost came along and dang, she was pregnant. Doesn’t exactly help with bonding I guess.
And did Jesus ever admit that?
Like: “Oh, there’s that thing about other guys’ wifes – and my father broke that one … but still, although my father broke his own rules, I am your Messiah.”
Were Mary and Joe married at the time of impregnation?
Otherwise, wouldn’t there have been consumation?
They were not married but only betrothed. And there was no consummation. Matthew 1:18 says that she became pregnant by the Holy Spirit before she and Joseph had “come together” (nudge, nudge, wink, wink).
Nope, not married at that time. And after Mary/Joseph were married, there were siblings that we never hear about. That had to be hard. It’s bad enough to be compared to older bro/sis Greg or Marcia… can you imagine living up to older brother Jesus??
The Arrogant Worms have a song about exactly that:
Do as I preach, not as I do.
Interjection or nickname?
josef calling him geez, hilarious
Great catch
Actually, there were some childhood gospels thrown out of the Bible that feature Joseph. In one, he has a commission for a rich man to build a bed, but accidentally cuts the board too short, so little Jesus stretches it out to fit. In another, a kid bullies little Jesus and gets smote, whereupon Joseph and Mary have to have a talk with the boy — presumably one that doesn’t end up with them sent to the corn field. For some reason, the scholars assembling the final draft of the Bible decided these didn’t belong. A shame, really.
Good think the Twilight Zone has us covered.
I heard that Jesus also killed a dragon when he was ten.
That’s pretty awesome, no?
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand I have a new favorite strip :p Well done!
If you’ve not already read it, check out Christopher Moore’s “Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ’s Childhood Pal.” It’s one of the best, most hilarious, most touching books I’ve ever read.
Bug is one of the reasons I can bear waking up so early. Also one of the few places I can tolerate biblical jokes.
You know, this has actually always bothered me. Mary keeps getting talked about up to and after Jesus’ resurrection, but Joseph simply disappears even before Jesus starts going around making speeches and getting disciples. Did the people writing the Gospels decide he was a poorly developed character and stopped using him? Maybe the readers didn’t like him?
The gospel canon is a political result. There is also a Gospel of Thomas, a Gospel of Mary, a Gospel of Mary Magdalene, and, yes, a Gospel of Joseph, but none of these were included, for various reasons, when the New Testament canon was set. In some cases, there were good reasons for exclusion. In others, not so much. The question is only compounded by the Gospel of John, which does not match the other three. Scholars argue over why it was included, but the end result is that the NT canon is a political result.
And I was all like “What you’re talking about, the kid has like three full episodes, what with the multicolor coat and the cows and everything”. Then I thought “Did he had a child called Jesus?” Then it was “Oh, wrong book”
Joseph: Look at that crucifix! Who did the sanding on that? You’re liable to get a splinter.
More like, Joseph: Are you going to spend all day hanging around with your friends?