I love how the lawyer bug’s kid also wears weasel glasses. And how he clenches his fist when he points just like his daddy too.
Once upon a time, didn’t kids say “my dad is gonna beat up your dad” instead of “my parents are gonna sue you”?
Ahh, modern society.
Growing up in the ’70s, I heard “I’m gonna sue you!” a lot. I never really heard “My dad is gonna beat up your dad!”
I’m…old, and I swear some of the neighborhood kids would pull out the sue thing, too. Usually, though, it was “my parents are going to sue your parents!” Which, frankly, they deserved.
I think this is one of the best so far. I love the second panel! “I’m issuing a subpoena.” :p Good job, Adam.
I made someone “pinky swear” two days ago. …but we didn’t get it notarized. Darn it!
Sad thing, but this actually happened in my high school. Wasn’t over a pinky swear, though.
Seriously? What WAS it over then?
Someone broke their wrist on a trampoline. The family whose son was hurt won the lawsuit. Don’t you love our society?
Interesting; I’ve never heard that threat. In my day, my peers were much less creative and only threatened to beat each other up. Then they did so.
Ahh, the pleasantries of living in bumpkin country… 9__9
I’m so pride of Little Bug, raising up his left hand instead of the right one while swearing. Remind me of me when I was his age
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I love how the lawyer bug’s kid also wears weasel glasses. And how he clenches his fist when he points just like his daddy too.
Once upon a time, didn’t kids say “my dad is gonna beat up your dad” instead of “my parents are gonna sue you”?
Ahh, modern society.
Growing up in the ’70s, I heard “I’m gonna sue you!” a lot. I never really heard “My dad is gonna beat up your dad!”
I’m…old, and I swear some of the neighborhood kids would pull out the sue thing, too. Usually, though, it was “my parents are going to sue your parents!” Which, frankly, they deserved.
I think this is one of the best so far. I love the second panel! “I’m issuing a subpoena.” :p Good job, Adam.
I made someone “pinky swear” two days ago. …but we didn’t get it notarized. Darn it!
Sad thing, but this actually happened in my high school. Wasn’t over a pinky swear, though.
Seriously? What WAS it over then?
Someone broke their wrist on a trampoline. The family whose son was hurt won the lawsuit. Don’t you love our society?
Interesting; I’ve never heard that threat. In my day, my peers were much less creative and only threatened to beat each other up. Then they did so.
Ahh, the pleasantries of living in bumpkin country… 9__9
I’m so pride of Little Bug, raising up his left hand instead of the right one while swearing. Remind me of me when I was his age