Oh my gosh! Just when I think I can’t love this comic any more than I already do! I played marbles as a kid (and no, I’m not 100 years old, just barely a li’l over 1/2 that, you whippersnappers!). I love how the truant officer is hiding behind the bush shouting out instructions about how to lure a kid with two, count ’em…TWO fancy benningtons! Lordy, how this comic makes me laugh!
And yes…you had me at peanut brittle. The one thing I can NOT stop eating until it’s all gone!
Man, I LOVE this comic strip! Gee, whillikers!
McNabbem Bug! Awesome name! I can’t believe how many don’t know what truancy is. It’s a sad, sorry world we live in when kids don’t skip school to go fishin’ or to “ye olde candy shoppe”, but rather stay home and sleep/play video games. Kids today ARE deprived (see comment below by Rhea). My parents had NO idea where I was until suppertime, when we all sat around the table and … gasp … talked! No tv, no eating in our rooms, nosirree bob! We (all 7 of us kids) sat around the table for every dinner/supper meal. Also, usually for breakfasts.
When I was in high school, sometimes you’d see kids just walking around school grounds. I swear. But still, there’s no way that accounts for ALL of them…
I, for one, am not a peanut brittle fan. It cuts my mouth (much like Captain Crunch), and after it’s chewed up it turns into an adhesive that essentially wires my jaw closed for ten minutes.
The rapid decline from triumph to disappointment seems an awful lot like the feeling I get in every math course I’ve ever taken. I think that I understand the chapter…and then I get the test on it.
On a separate note, if the truancy officer had a staff, I’m pretty sure he would turn into Gandalf. Maybe he’s using Brian’s absence as an excuse to find Frodo. :O
Now I’m sad for the reminder that kids don’t hang out in old-time candy stores or at fishing holes or play marbles any more. When I was a kid I’d disappear on my bike for hours and my parents had no clue where I was. Kids today are deprived.
Am I the only one who sees the Huckleberry Finn reference? Is that even that kids name? Huck Finn? there were 2 of them right? Tom Sawyer? Of is that just a Rush song? Hell yeah, Fly by night. What was I talking about?
YES! I have spent the last 30 min hitting the refresh button my browser waiting on this
He had me at peanut brittle.
I love the trees in panel three!
Love that beard. So much. I bet he hides his magnifying glass in there because apparently that’s the only tool you need to investigate.
Oh my gosh! Just when I think I can’t love this comic any more than I already do! I played marbles as a kid (and no, I’m not 100 years old, just barely a li’l over 1/2 that, you whippersnappers!). I love how the truant officer is hiding behind the bush shouting out instructions about how to lure a kid with two, count ’em…TWO fancy benningtons! Lordy, how this comic makes me laugh!
And yes…you had me at peanut brittle. The one thing I can NOT stop eating until it’s all gone!
Man, I LOVE this comic strip! Gee, whillikers!
Man. Now I feel bad cause I skipped school today, AND my name is brian.
Don’t give coach Sandusky any ideas.
Gotta love McNabbem bug
and the floating candy in panel 2
but the ah-haaaaaaww should be a BAW!
McNabbem Bug! Awesome name! I can’t believe how many don’t know what truancy is. It’s a sad, sorry world we live in when kids don’t skip school to go fishin’ or to “ye olde candy shoppe”, but rather stay home and sleep/play video games. Kids today ARE deprived (see comment below by Rhea). My parents had NO idea where I was until suppertime, when we all sat around the table and … gasp … talked! No tv, no eating in our rooms, nosirree bob! We (all 7 of us kids) sat around the table for every dinner/supper meal. Also, usually for breakfasts.
I had to search for “truancy” to get it.
I don’t know where kids these days go when they skip school. They can’t be found even at the arcades.
I think nowadays everyone just goes home, where they can nap for 4 hours and then play Skyrim on the Xbox.
I also had to see what truancy means
Keep up the English lessons, Adam! : D
When I was in high school, sometimes you’d see kids just walking around school grounds. I swear. But still, there’s no way that accounts for ALL of them…
I, for one, am not a peanut brittle fan. It cuts my mouth (much like Captain Crunch), and after it’s chewed up it turns into an adhesive that essentially wires my jaw closed for ten minutes.
The rapid decline from triumph to disappointment seems an awful lot like the feeling I get in every math course I’ve ever taken. I think that I understand the chapter…and then I get the test on it.
On a separate note, if the truancy officer had a staff, I’m pretty sure he would turn into Gandalf. Maybe he’s using Brian’s absence as an excuse to find Frodo. :O
I should mention that the “rapid decline” comment is referring to panel 3, not the peanut brittle.
Bennington! I learned something today. Now I need to get a cat or fish or something so’s I can name it that.
truancy officer…. or just Chester the Molester???
This is absolutely perfect! The way your mind works is amazing, I want to take you out and feed you alcohol and talk about random nonsense.
This is one of the rare times I was overcome with uncontrollable laughter in the first panel.
Bravo, sir.
Now I’m sad for the reminder that kids don’t hang out in old-time candy stores or at fishing holes or play marbles any more. When I was a kid I’d disappear on my bike for hours and my parents had no clue where I was. Kids today are deprived.
How do I love this strip? Let me count the ways….
i am surprised this has less FB likes than average, it is one of your best
Do they even have truancy officers anymore?
Either way, this is great!
fancy benningtons is enough incentive for me to come over and play marbles XD
the old grey mare just ain’t what she used to be….
Panel 3 is my favorite.
I love the “ah-HAAAaaaawwww….” in the third panel! He sounds so disappointed!
Am I the only one who sees the Huckleberry Finn reference? Is that even that kids name? Huck Finn? there were 2 of them right? Tom Sawyer? Of is that just a Rush song? Hell yeah, Fly by night. What was I talking about?
Check their WOW. accounts
This literally made me snort.
It turns out Brian was in the bathroom.
is a fancy bennington a really good marble or something?