These aren't different relationships, they're just different stages… Everybody starts out a relationship like the second panel. Then you hit the comfortable stage and its like the fourth panel. Then it gets to the third panel…. and if you don't kill each other or hate each other after that stage, your love has a chance! Heh.
Hey, nice comic, amigo. It's very syndicate-worthy, in a nice way, that is.
Hmm I know a couple that's an odd mix of panels 3 & 4
I'm types one and two. I call it "friends with benefits".
Shoving a TV down your throat, yep, sounds like quite the benefit. :3
LOL.. you reminded me of me but excellent!
These aren't different relationships, they're just different stages… Everybody starts out a relationship like the second panel. Then you hit the comfortable stage and its like the fourth panel. Then it gets to the third panel…. and if you don't kill each other or hate each other after that stage, your love has a chance! Heh.
if [heart] divided by pi is 3.141, then does that mean that love is pi squared? I enjoy pie enough already; I can't wait for my first taste of love!
Yep, your cartoon pretty much sums it up.
I like how panel one you were trying to find the square root of pie by pie.
LOVE = 7/37 (X)
You forgot type #4: The rabbits
I love this comic! Is that the first appearance of Nerd Bug in panel 1?
My husband Adam Blanderson and I are bothered by the way you portray our relationship in panel 4. By the way, does anyone know what's on TV tonight?
First Comic with the nerd bug
If I was the girl in beyond thunderdome, i’d vacuum his butt off.
Also, I’m just saying my parents are Conjoined Blandersons.
I like the look on the scientists in panel one. It’s like “we did what now?”