hmmm. 2010 – I bought her $3000 of kitchen cupboards. 2011 – $250 worth of pantry. 2012 – I’m taking her out for dinner. At the local all-you-can-eat-till-you-explode buffet.
I am a woman and I approve of your gifts. It’s hard to top kitchen cupboards for the next ten years or so. Pretty much anything on top of a home improvement is just icing.
Ive never bought anyone anything on the few Valentines I werent single on. Inconsiderate or not, Im not going to throw away money in a desperate fight against complacency.
Learn how to cook one slightly out of the ordinary meal. Not spaghetti, stuffed shells. Or something with a crust. I’m talking actual cooking, not “prepare a meal” from boxes and cans. Combine that with supermarket roses and you’re golden.
Adam, I made my lady a valentines card that said “Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, Go clean the garage.” I essentially got her hooked on your comics a month or two back and she loved the card!!! She did say shortly after, “I don’t have a garage.” haha
The first Valentine’s Day with my wife (before we were even married) I got her a Nintendo game system (yes, the original NES, we’ve been married for a while). She now tells people it was the worst gift ever, but her 5th grade students thought it was Awesome!
Yep, that’s the progression, if it even started that well. Then there was the year there was no card. “I thought we decided not to bother.” “No, YOU decided not to bother.” Then I got the gas station card….
Yup, that’s it in a nutshell. Now I am off to the grocery store to buy a card. The card is the easiest for a guy, just buy the one with the most words on it. Chicks dig the words. Guys … not so much. Hint for the ladies: If the card has more than 10 words in it you are wasting your time. He will read a couple of words on the front then open it to look for money or a “Get out of the Dog House for Free” card.
So. Exactly. True. Thank you for preachin the truth. And just for reference, a gradual decline is at least preferable to a sudden one. REALLY lame when one year was re-enacting “Say Anything…” (stereo over head), next year a gas station card…. One day late. Oy.
Naturally, we tend to get very big/expensive gifts in order to maintain the relationship at such an early time. As time progresses, the gifts become smaller and inexpensive. They wouldn’t end the relationship because of cheap gifts; but because they know how they feel about each other by now, and gifts are irrelevant on measuring their love for each other(also somewhat because it would seem shallow to end the relationship because of gift quality.
But don’t take my word for it. I’m just an 18 year-old guy who hasn’t been in an actual relationship at all.
C’mon, seriously guys? We’ve been married some half-dozen or so years now, more or less, and I still surprised her with an arrangement of flours when she got home from work today. That’s how to keep the romance — and the sourdough starter — alive.
Luckily for me my wife doesn’t approve of there being a “holiday” where women become expectant for extravagance and men become slaves. Any other day of the year buying your lady candy, flowers and dinner pretty much guarantees sex. On valentines day it’s just something you’re expected to do.
comment shotgun!
true story, I think St Valentine wasn’t shooting for these kinds of religious celebrations haha.
hmmm. 2010 – I bought her $3000 of kitchen cupboards. 2011 – $250 worth of pantry. 2012 – I’m taking her out for dinner. At the local all-you-can-eat-till-you-explode buffet.
I am a woman and I approve of your gifts. It’s hard to top kitchen cupboards for the next ten years or so. Pretty much anything on top of a home improvement is just icing.
I ALWAYS buy a gift for myself, when I buy her one, esp. chocolate. Doesn’t everyone?
Oh, and “spidey sense…bar mitsvah” was brilliant!
Re: spidey sense – yes, yes it was.
Ive never bought anyone anything on the few Valentines I werent single on. Inconsiderate or not, Im not going to throw away money in a desperate fight against complacency.
So I have the Babys’ Breath…
Now where can I buy a girlfriend…?
Learn how to cook one slightly out of the ordinary meal. Not spaghetti, stuffed shells. Or something with a crust. I’m talking actual cooking, not “prepare a meal” from boxes and cans. Combine that with supermarket roses and you’re golden.
Did he stuff a baby in there, then?
Adam, I made my lady a valentines card that said “Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, Go clean the garage.” I essentially got her hooked on your comics a month or two back and she loved the card!!! She did say shortly after, “I don’t have a garage.” haha
The first Valentine’s Day with my wife (before we were even married) I got her a Nintendo game system (yes, the original NES, we’ve been married for a while). She now tells people it was the worst gift ever, but her 5th grade students thought it was Awesome!
Am I the only one who thinks the last gift is the most romantic?
this actually sound more like MY degradation with the V-Day gifts. Truth be told, all I got for my husband this year was a dumb monkey card.
Yep, that’s the progression, if it even started that well. Then there was the year there was no card. “I thought we decided not to bother.” “No, YOU decided not to bother.” Then I got the gas station card….
Here’s a tip at avoiding the precipitous decline altogether: don’t celebrate the silly thing at all and don’t enable others.
Yup, that’s it in a nutshell. Now I am off to the grocery store to buy a card. The card is the easiest for a guy, just buy the one with the most words on it. Chicks dig the words. Guys … not so much. Hint for the ladies: If the card has more than 10 words in it you are wasting your time. He will read a couple of words on the front then open it to look for money or a “Get out of the Dog House for Free” card.
So. Exactly. True. Thank you for preachin the truth. And just for reference, a gradual decline is at least preferable to a sudden one. REALLY lame when one year was re-enacting “Say Anything…” (stereo over head), next year a gas station card…. One day late. Oy.
Naturally, we tend to get very big/expensive gifts in order to maintain the relationship at such an early time. As time progresses, the gifts become smaller and inexpensive. They wouldn’t end the relationship because of cheap gifts; but because they know how they feel about each other by now, and gifts are irrelevant on measuring their love for each other(also somewhat because it would seem shallow to end the relationship because of gift quality.
But don’t take my word for it. I’m just an 18 year-old guy who hasn’t been in an actual relationship at all.
C’mon, seriously guys? We’ve been married some half-dozen or so years now, more or less, and I still surprised her with an arrangement of flours when she got home from work today. That’s how to keep the romance — and the sourdough starter — alive.
That would actually be an awesome gift for me…but then again, I do like to cook and bake, so…
Luckily for me my wife doesn’t approve of there being a “holiday” where women become expectant for extravagance and men become slaves. Any other day of the year buying your lady candy, flowers and dinner pretty much guarantees sex. On valentines day it’s just something you’re expected to do.