That took me a second to get. The “Ack” gave it away.
‘Bout time she croaked. Bug is, as always, awesome. I now know what to do should 007 die in my air vent. Or more likely Ethan Hunt…
It gets very emberrassing when you THINK he’s dead, but he’s actually just unconcious. Happened to me once – THAT was an uncomfortable situation. (We still see each other from time to time, but other than a mumbled greeting we don’t talk much.)
Weirdly enough, I’m in a protracted battle with the maintenance guy at work to get the HVAC overhauled. The patchwork quilt of multiple air conditioners + old ductwork; means people turn on heaters to keep warm (tripping breakers); while others sweat it out. Nevermind the mold + dust problems…
wah! how lazy i would get a rope and a carabiner put it thru one of his straps and then drag him out snatch all his kool gear and dump the body in a trash bin out back > ,<
See the place I work is FULL of spies. This happens all the time. There’s a special phone number you call, you give them the little decal number off the vent, and they come and do the extraction. I’ve never actually seen how, tho, and they clean up afterwards. Otherwise it’d be like having a mouse die in the ductwork in your car.
I’d actually hit the deck as soon as I heard the “Ack!” just in case he had one of those self-destruct doohickeys on him to prevent his secrets from falling into the hands of enemy agents or the janitor.
Discussion (31) ¬
Better hope Accounting doesn’t have a longer broom.
If they do, it becomes reverse tug-of-war. Shove-of-war?
Until it start rotting though. Then the broom just go through the meat.
No, that’s not a spy, that’s Cathy. I don’t know why she would be crawling through vents. Do you work for a chocolate company, or something?
That took me a second to get. The “Ack” gave it away.
‘Bout time she croaked. Bug is, as always, awesome. I now know what to do should 007 die in my air vent. Or more likely Ethan Hunt…
This strip just blew my ‘randomness’-meter!
Strange… It only hit the ‘pretty weird’ mark on mine.
Still funny though
I’m glad I’m not the only one that has these problems.
Wait, so you’re the reason the building’s air-con was out yesterday?
My bad.
Is there a Bug book? If not, make it. I want to buy.
Right? I’m with Luke. There’s certainly enough brilliant comics. I’d snag a copy
I’ll be making a blog post that will give you guys the scoop on merch on Monday.
Will it be a Kickstarter?
The book will definitely be through Kickstarter.
I hate it when my night-vision goggles get caught while I’m spying.
Brava, Adam.
hah! this one is great. Each panel cracked me up
Another “save image as” inspiring strip for my collection.
It gets very emberrassing when you THINK he’s dead, but he’s actually just unconcious. Happened to me once – THAT was an uncomfortable situation. (We still see each other from time to time, but other than a mumbled greeting we don’t talk much.)
Either that is one very lost spy or Bug is keeping secrets 🙂
Brilliant work Adam!
How’s Dr. Evil as a boss? He an ok guy? Must be some excellent benefits packages working for such an organisation.
The benefit is great. We got free dentals!
But when a project failed the project leader usually got fed to a shark. They wrote it as tax deductable though.
Weirdly enough, I’m in a protracted battle with the maintenance guy at work to get the HVAC overhauled. The patchwork quilt of multiple air conditioners + old ductwork; means people turn on heaters to keep warm (tripping breakers); while others sweat it out. Nevermind the mold + dust problems…
wah! how lazy i would get a rope and a carabiner put it thru one of his straps and then drag him out snatch all his kool gear and dump the body in a trash bin out back > ,<
See the place I work is FULL of spies. This happens all the time. There’s a special phone number you call, you give them the little decal number off the vent, and they come and do the extraction. I’ve never actually seen how, tho, and they clean up afterwards. Otherwise it’d be like having a mouse die in the ductwork in your car.
I’d actually hit the deck as soon as I heard the “Ack!” just in case he had one of those self-destruct doohickeys on him to prevent his secrets from falling into the hands of enemy agents or the janitor.
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