I almost pulled a muscle laughing so hard at that panel too. Not such a great thing if you're in a very quiet, very conservative office. But oh well, for Bug Comics I risk being looked at oddly!!
Notice the guy sold his preemptive bellow for "after" her death, rather than the preemptive yell to "DUCK"! o.O …. a married couple, I'd bank on it! *smirk*
Incredible work, Adam. Do you make a living doing this? Have you considered shopping out to the alternative press? Austin Chronicle? Seattle's The Stranger?
Heh, I wonder how lady bug's ghost is feeling about that last panel.
"Hey look, a tomahawk."
'nuff said.
I'm still wondering why you're contemplating what you'll do when a woman you know is killed. Are you planning something?
Should always be prepared for everything.
Especially once you buy that lucrative insurance policy.
The one for screaming weird things upon a loved one's death of course.
Wow… the hemolymph wasn't even cold before PonyTailBug swooped in.
The last panel made me laugh pretty hard.
I almost pulled a muscle laughing so hard at that panel too. Not such a great thing if you're in a very quiet, very conservative office. But oh well, for Bug Comics I risk being looked at oddly!!
Not so cool when you actually lost some one. I'm not complaining but this just didn't make my day 🙁
Curse you Call of Duty: Black Ops!
You and your use of Tomahawks contributed to this!
Is that CSI:LV's Grissom in Panel 3?
I though it was Spielberg Bug.
Hahaha! I only discovered this site trough the "Things we like" section on explosm.net
This is defenitly the best!
@karine76: No, that's the hack director Steven Spielbug.
I was originally gonna draw George-Lucas-Bug, but instead, went for a Stereotypical-Director-Bug.
I hated that part of the movie. Actually I hated what he did to ALL the SW movies he directed.
Notice the guy sold his preemptive bellow for "after" her death, rather than the preemptive yell to "DUCK"! o.O …. a married couple, I'd bank on it! *smirk*
Last panel punchline: not such a stretch? Marketing eeeeevil…
I nearly laughed out loud in the library when I read the last panel!
Nooooooooooooodor eaters!
Awesome! Totally didn't see the Dr. Scholl's reference coming!
Or maybe:
Hahaha, oh man. Great strip as always. Tomahawks are never something to play around with!
You were obviously never a boy scout.
Love it, as always! I particularly loved the script in hand for panel 3.
Incredible work, Adam. Do you make a living doing this? Have you considered shopping out to the alternative press? Austin Chronicle? Seattle's The Stranger?
Dr. Scholl's Odor Eaters? Are we going to have weighty-brass tuba penguins with ridiculously large noses now?
looking forward to this fiscal bug year!
Jesus Christ.
I can't(can) believe that I just spent 6 hours reading every comic.
You're a genius.
I'll be in your house in twenty minutes, Adam.
I think "I'm going to Disneyland." would have been funnier.
1st panel epic win
Was that free advertising, or did you get paid?
I prefer the standard “I wanted to be the one to fill her dark soul with LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT!”