I know I should hate two and a half men but I don't. It's poorly written, very average acting, repeditive, with 2d characters but for some reason it appeals to me in a "turn off my brain for a half hour" way.
Narrator: Three different ways to create zombies
Narrator: Magic
Wizard bug: Oogity Boogity!
Narrator: Science
Science bug: Oopsie daisy.
Narrator: Watching a full eposide of “Tow and a half men.”
TV: Hacky Jockey.
Zombie bug: Must destroy world…
Huh. I was sure you were going to go with "Mansquito" on Syfy.
Awwww but I love that show! I would be a zombie like 100 times over…
That explains those angry blackout I get when that shows on…. hmmm
I know I should hate two and a half men but I don't. It's poorly written, very average acting, repeditive, with 2d characters but for some reason it appeals to me in a "turn off my brain for a half hour" way.
This is officially my new favorite web comic.
Love the Bug – and really, really love the zombie bugs with the Cthulu 'stache
seriously dude? those are skull teeth, not cthulhu tentacles
Bugs don’t have teeth.
They also don’t perform magic, participate in advanced bio-science, nor do they do much TV watchery.
Okay, I officially love this comic. n/////n
The last panel – ouch, but so true xD
I freakin' hate that show.
Hahahaha!!! Just read this during the whole Charlie Sheen fiasco. I think the last panel is him. Looks about the same.
Make that 4: Running out of coffee (or tea or insert your preferred caffeinated beverage here)
So add caffeine injections to your zombie survival kit.
That show sucks
“oogity boogity” is my new “magic” phrase
Oogity Boogity. Oopsie Daisy. Hacky Jokey. Those 3 go so well together.
I would like to inform you all that Two and a Half Men was in no way a zombie-creation experiment.
Unofficial BM Zombie Tracker
Comics About Zombies: 3
Uses of word “zombies”: 8
Number of zombies: 11
Did you hear about the failed attempt to clone Charley Sheen twice?
Now he’s two and a half men.
Narrator: Three different ways to create zombies
Narrator: Magic
Wizard bug: Oogity Boogity!
Narrator: Science
Science bug: Oopsie daisy.
Narrator: Watching a full eposide of “Tow and a half men.”
TV: Hacky Jockey.
Zombie bug: Must destroy world…