I think we can all agree that Friday night is for partying, whooping it up, and a heroic amount of debauchery. But what about Friday evening? You don’t want to start your drinkin’ too early. If you do, you’ll end up being the first one to pass out amongst your friends, and we all know the horrible / hilarious things we do to our unconscious friends. If you’re lucky, all they’ll do is write on your face in permanent marker. The less fortunate usually wake up in a foreign country and, due to the language barrier, have to use pantomime to explain to the local authorities that his friends were the ones who painted his body like a honey bee and left him naked on their chamber of commerce’s main meeting table.
You don’t want that, do you?
Instead, sit back and listen to a live recording of the Geeks of Steel podcast this Friday night! Geeks of Steel is a weekly podcast hosted by me and Matt Forcum (the cartoonist behind Robot Beach) where we discuss all sorts of geeky stuff. This will be our first attempt at doing a live show and we’re hoping, assuming the technology doesn’t fail us (or vice versa), to make this a regular thing. It’ll be on Matt’s Ustream channel – click here to be whisked away there right now. The broadcast will start around 8:00 PM central time.
Hope to see you guys there!